@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Rick Dhaliwal] Horvat a rejeté l’offre récente des Canucks. Les Canucks l’ont poussé aussi loin qu’ils le pouvaient. Les Canucks accepteront désormais la meilleure offre pour Bo Horvat

[Rick Dhaliwal] Horvat a rejeté l’offre récente des Canucks. Les Canucks l’ont poussé aussi loin qu’ils le pouvaient. Les Canucks accepteront désormais la meilleure offre pour Bo Horvat



  1. emaginutiv

    At 50% retained Horvat is cheaper than Kerfoot. Could be a fantastic addition to the Top 6, allowing either him or Tavares to take a spot on the wing

  2. taco_the_town

    Did we really need a second thread on this?

  3. fancypants55

    The trade market seems flooded with forwards and I think Horvat is at the top. I would be just as happy to spend less on Meier or Kane. I’d even look in to Debrincat, who may or may not be available.

    Kane is the most intriguing because he holds all the cards. Maybe he’s available for cheaper if he handcuffs the organization in to trading him here.

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