@Stars de Dallas

Faits saillants de la LNH | Stars vs Penguins – 12 décembre 2022

Evgeni Malkin a marqué le but vainqueur avec moins d’une minute à faire en temps réglementaire alors que les Penguins de Pittsburgh ont battu les Stars de Dallas 2-1.


  1. Both teams played great tonight, especially since they're pretty much evenly matched. Bless Geno getting that lucky go-ahead goal! Let's go, Pens!

  2. It just makes me sick how they pretend to be special by calling it “pride night.” Extremely lame and shallow how every last sport has to bow to that and pay their dues by empty virtue signalling. I wish the Pens players would speak out against that but that’s never gonna happen and to be honest it would be very hard because they would lose their jobs. It’s very tiring already and I just want a break from this lgarbagebtqia which has infiltrated every area of life

  3. Was great how well matched this whole game with almost identical records. Wish the stars pullled it out but Bull on Bull was a nice to see even though we lost.

  4. Питсбург просто отличная игра 👍 Малкин красавчик 👍 забил победную шайбу на последней минуте третьего периода.Питсбург с победой 👍

  5. Schitzburgh edges the Lone Star Losers while Pennsyltucky sits it out. It’s just not a hockey state. LET’S GO DEBS!!!

  6. That crowd and team reaction for the GWG was awesome. Almost playoff feeling!

  7. Малкин наконец порадовал, побольше таких моментов. Питтсбург с победой.

  8. Robertson could have made a better play on Malkin's game winner, but what on earth did Hintz do? He was right on Malkin all the way to the net, then last second peels off of him to cover nobody. Strange choice.

  9. Смотрю у Малина изолента по другому намотана🤔

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