@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST-RAW | Jay Woodcroft 12.12.22

Jay s’entretient avec les médias après la défaite 2-1 des Oilers contre le Wild lundi soir.


  1. Jay, if you can't see that this team is playing like a bunch of slow morons, AGAIN, and there is something deeply wrong, you're as slow as Darnell Nurse is between the ears.

  2. Get Holloway off hamblin and pulijarvis line now or ur gonna wreck another prospect right as he’s getting confidence

  3. Another painful
    Loss but.. it is what it is .. better luck next time boys.. 😢

  4. New goalies would be great the rest of the team is doing great way to go team and coach jay

  5. Skinner is the main reason its a 1 goal game. Theres zero effort on taking shots and like always the horrible defence.

  6. With Russell, Keith on the team was the season oilers had success last year and koekkeok played few games… Smith, koski and toughness from kass and Archie.

  7. Is this coach for real.? Compatible.? Does he know what that word means? Four shots in the third. Our team didn’t even show up you got to start putting some grit behind you You are too soft of a coach what the hell is wrong with you you’re absolutely I minor hockey coach That’s my opinion on you 20 shots three periods up 20 minutes and you tell me that you guys played good I don’t know what game you’re watching

  8. Better start to find out how to win theses tight games soon or you won’t even hold a wild card spot

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