@Panthers de la Floride

Pétition aux modos pour mettre Feu Paul Maurice dans la bio

Paul Maurice est un horrible coach qui a détruit les panthères. On le doit à la base de fans de virer Paul Maurice. Sauvez Sunrise du règne de Paul Maurice en signant la pétition ci-dessous : https://www.change.org/p/fire-paul-maurice Update : plus de 70 upvotes maintenant, faites votre truc mods Update 2 : 100 upvotes !!! On sait ce qu’il nous reste à faire – Mettre Fire Maurice dans la bio !!!!!!



  1. Easy_Ad9184

    Upvoting this like it’s nobody’s business

  2. lcommadot

    I’m literally just commenting to help the algorithm. Oh yeah, and fire Paul Maurice

  3. ccrider88

    He’s always been a terrible coach

  4. falstaf34

    Have the players had a players only meeting? Not that it changes anything but holy shit something has to give here.

  5. noahw1228

    I don’t even know why we hired him in the first place, he must have worked some voodoo shit on Bill Zito because it was very questionable then and looks fucking stupid now. This team would be better if Bruno was still in charge.

  6. MikeOfTheCincinnati

    I say we promote him to customer!

  7. AlvinItchyCock

    Give Trotz whatever he wants. He backtracked on that only going to an OG6 team comment he made and said he would be willing to take on a new coaching job after December

  8. TheQueebs

    Give him season tickets in the 300s and call it a day

  9. doormatsandmatadors

    What happened to that troll from a couple years ago who used to always say we were trash no matter what? He disappeared last year but he would be in his glory now. I don’t even remember his name lol

    Now that I think about he’s probably still here and just blends right in😂

  10. two_doors__Down

    You should link that petition that got posted here too lol. I was cracking up when it hit 200 signatures

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