@Bruins de Boston

Perspectives de l’intersaison des Bruins de Boston

Les Bruins de Boston ont été éliminés des séries éliminatoires de 2020 par le Lightning de Tampa Bay en cinq matchs. Maintenant qu’ils sont sortis de la bulle de Toronto, leur intersaison commence et le directeur général des Bruins, Don Sweeney, a beaucoup de travail à faire. Le noyau des Bruins vieillit et il est peut-être temps de quitter des joueurs comme Zdeno Chara, David Krejci et Tuukka Rask. Les Bruins ont également beaucoup d’agents libres avec qui parler, notamment Torey Krug, Jake DeBrusk et Matt Grzelcyk. Dans cette vidéo, je parle de tous les plans d’intersaison des Bruins, y compris l’agence libre, les objectifs commerciaux et la direction de l’équipe à l’avenir.


  1. Great vid, I really like your analysis. The Bruins have to find a good left shot defenseman to pair up with McAvoy whether by trade or signing. Chara has to play fewer minutes and can be used as a specialist on the penalty kill. Like I said the defense needs a shakeup and I feel like the forward lines need to be reevaluated. Move Coyle with Bergeron, move Debrusk on the third line whatever it is. There just have to be more players that can score.

  2. Im a big lightning fan and I just found this in my recommend just gonna say that you seem to work pretty hard and keep up the good work! Go Bolts!

  3. Man I´m gonna miss Krejci, such a great player and an amazing person… Only love for Krejci

  4. Amazing video. Wonderful insight on some hopeful moves for the B's. Could've used Dillon this year big time

  5. Ideally at ths point in his career Chara should be a 5-6 defensive specialist who gets a lot of pk time and occasion shifts against the teams 3rd and 4th lines. If he still wants to play he'll play. Might only be on a league minimal deal but the Bruins aren't going to say no to him. I do think however wether he plays or not it's time for Bergeron to get the Captain C. Patrice has been this teams best overall player sinse the year after the cup win. And he deserves to be this teams captain and not just for a single season. Bad take on Krug. You can't let that guy go. You are clearly not an old guy so maybe you don't recall how every year after Bourque left at the trade deadline it was constantly we need a puck moving defenseman we need a puck moving defenseman. You should however recall the Bruins needing to trade Blake Wheeler to make cap room for them to bring in what they thought they needed in Kaberle. And how that ended up. Which was a bunch of the old slow dmen on the team getting hurt in the playoffs. Krug and Matt Bartowski both coming in and completely changing the outlook on the series vs Montreal on the way to winning the cup. Krug isn't a guy you can replace. They have nothing in the system that's comperable. Trading Gryzlyk however would make sense and it would free up a slot for a guy like Vaakanainen who could potentially be a better player. Thing to keep in mind about restricted free agency not all are the same. Debrusk is not arbitration eligible all the bruins have to do is give him a qualifing offer (10% raise). If he doesn't accept that he has to sit out the season. Griz is a potential problem. With Chara,and Krug both potentially walking away and Griz potentially getting an arbitration ruling that's too high could entirely screw them over. As I said I'd trade him and make a bigger effort to get Krug signed. Far as free agent targets. Taylor Hall is a hard pass. He's going to be looking for a high contract and 1 the Bruins can't afford it and 2 shouldn't have any interest in it. Look at what the John Tavares sighning did to the Leafs situation. It set them up to also have to over pay Marner. You don't want that at all. Right now you have a team where guys are known for taking a home town discount. Thomas did it back in the day, Bergeron did it, Marchand did it, Pastarnak did it, Chara did it. If Krug stays he'll likely need to do it too. I doubt they are willing to pay him market value. A Kovalchuk sort of move would make sense if you were prepared to drop Kase down or attempt to move him. Kovalchuk on a 1 year deal playing with Krejci on the last year of his deal would make a lot of sense as a stop gap. I don't agree with the Krejci being the best Bruin take either. Marchand was a monster. Trading for Gaudreau or OEL after bad years are terrible huge gambles. OEL has been on a massive downward swing for several years now.

  6. Really, Really hope DeBrusk stays. He’s got a really bright future

  7. What is this? An articulate and normal Bruins fan? Didn’t think these existed fr

  8. Debrusk ceiling is around 35 goals. Gryzleck Could be as good as Krug if he If he was given krugs role. Move everyone in the old core except for Marchand and Bergeron. Chara needs to retire. Gryzleck Kase Bjork 2021 first round pick and 2022 for Oliver Ekman Larson.

  9. yeah its time to move on from chara and trade rask. Go with halak and another cheap veteran use that money from chara and rask to sign krug. Also would love to keep kuhlaman

  10. Get rid of KRUG he sucked in the playoffs and we've got others that need to be paid…Keep Chara at the discount, dump Richie keep Casa…

  11. Need to add size up front. Josh Anderson solves that issue. He is a definite top 6 forward. He's big he's strong. And freakishly fast for his size. Dont think Tortorella his doing him any justice in columbus. Moved to Columbus 4 yrs ago from Maine. Watched Anderson play. So much potential. Would love to see him with Cassidy as a coach. I think he could be this era's Cam Neely

  12. Let Krug walk, trade debrusk for Darnell Nurse, let mcavoy takeover 1 PP duties, offer sheet cirelli, sign a bottom 6 forward who is a pest

  13. Can any Bruins fan out there tell me what Boston managemet sees in Bjork that I don't?

  14. I think its important to keep Krug. I also do think its time to move on form Rask. Some really crazy thoughts, go get Eichel. Want to put asses in seats for years to come and build for the future? Want to make sure pasta stays? Need to find that number one and pay big for it. if we build in twos as far as forwards. Eichel Pasta. Bergy March. Coyle Bjork. Thats nice with other pieces we have. For dman, It maybe time to let Chara go. I think its time Mac and Gryz get together. Krug Carlo. Time for Urho to cut his teeth.I know im a dreamer and I love what Sweeney has done but he has played it very safe. With mistakes along the way he's worked his way out of trouble with the fans but, we need something big to happen to push us into this current NHL's speed. And if you can bring Jack home you do it.

  15. Interesting outlook Personally I see Rask staying with the B's but I see them looking for a player to replace him. As for UFA Toffoli is a must. Not only can he score but he also has the skill set of a 2 way player.

  16. I don't think we'd get toffoli but if there's any kind of chance, he'd fit it great on the 2nd line

  17. 1) Trade Rask to Pittsburgh for Matt Murray
    2) Bjork…Vaakanainen to New Jersey for Palmieri and NJ's 1st Round Pick
    3) Sign Brenden Dillon as a free agent

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