@Oilers d'Edmonton

Podcast « Hy, Drai et McD mettent les bottes aux Preds » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils creusent dans la victoire 6-3 d’Edmonton sur les Predators de Nashville.


  1. It is better to invest now. You will never be younger than you are today and there will never be a perfect time to invest. Due to compounding, which Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world, you can get rich slowly from investing if you do it from a young enough age

  2. My number is 0. The Oilers being the only team in both divisions that have 0 overtime losses. Edmonton would be in second in the pacific if this was back before the compensatory bonus points for still being on the ice when you lose.

  3. The Preds seemed uninterested; it’s as though they knew they were gonna be beaten. There was a small stretch of push by them in the second period, but overall they played with a defeated attitude. That was the impression I got.

  4. Bruce invest in a proper mic 🎤 dude!!! You guys want people to consider you a proper podcast then get the proper equipment….

  5. Calling on all Cult of Hockey Fans. We need to all chip in and Get the Boys some good audio devices. Love the cast and listen every night keeper er going boys

  6. The officials were awful tonight, I was flipping between the Oilers and Bruins game and the two crews were night and day different. Happy Campbell got the win but his performance still made me cringe…I sure hope this is not 5 years of Koskinen 2.0! Awesome job by Zach, he was working his butt off tonight! Preds looked very slow.

  7. To repeat what others have said here, Dave and Bruce, get some professional equipment!!! It's a great show, and a shame when it's degraded by technical issues.

  8. Lotsa puck watching by Edmonton defense…. nightly. It's like watching zombie stick figures in a coma. I love watching the top two lines score 6 goals but this team isn't beating many playoff caliber teams with this defense and the marshmallow like give up goals which occur almost immediately after they score themselves….Soft group. The Oilers giving up just 3 goals is like a shut out for other teams …There is something amiss when this team needs to get hit in the face every game before they wake up. It takes this team too long to drum up urgency game in game out.. Oilers need a stout FIRE STARTER to rally behind and perhaps gain a new identity.

  9. Get your technical shit together. You guys are worse prepared than the Oilers in the first 5 minutes of a game. These are the brightest minds at the Edmonton Journal folks. Good reason not to believe a word that gets printed on that rag. 🤡🤡🤡

  10. You guys doing fake backgrounds is like the NHL’s active banner ads. Please stop.

  11. Lets get Bruce some IT support. The mic is like the Gretzky haiku. "Comes from nowhere….."

  12. Old guys forget brett hull on one knee. And staples call it the "reaper" — like a scythe

  13. For how smart and articulate Bruce sounds at times, he sure can't seem to figure out that mic.

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