@Flames de Calgary

Phillips Out, Lindholm de retour, No Tanev

Phillips Out, Lindholm de retour, No Tanev



  1. RanchoLover

    This makes me happy but also sad

  2. CaptinDerpII

    Happy to see Lindholm out there

    But Phillips…


    Edit: Accidentally said Tanev

  3. JayTalk

    At least Looch is still out. If we scratched Phillips but brought Looch back, I’d bang my head on a wall

  4. tritongamez

    Glad Lindholm can be back! This team needs him.

    Sad Phillips is gone, but excited to watch more of Radim!

  5. Send_Headlight_Fluid

    Shoutout to that guy who posted the Markstrom RR 2.0 during his slump. Your jersey will be christened tonight!

  6. helmetrust

    Give Phillips one shift with an actual talented, established NHL player. I dare you.

  7. Less-Hunter7043

    I didn’t honestly see much from Phillips

  8. VanIsleDrums

    What is the reigning opinion on Phillips’ first two games?

  9. Less-Ad-1327

    Thought phillips looked good considering it was his first two real nhl games and he had minimal ice time. Quick, tenacious and poised but he does get handled sometimes.

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