@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers d’Edmonton ont de GROS PROBLÈMES…

Les Oilers d’Edmonton ont trouvé un correctif pour que cette saison fonctionne malgré d’énormes problèmes de plafond salarial. Mais l’année prochaine, les choses semblent sur le point d’empirer. #EdmontonOilers #Oilers #NHL


  1. Not worried about it…pretty sure this affects MANY teams Canadian or not. The one franchise kicking themselves in the shins is the Dallas Stars as resigning all the key pieces they need to resign are still hampered by the Benn/Seguin contracts despite their improved play this year. I hear the cap should shoot up by another 3-5 million by 24-25 season anyways.

  2. Delusional TV will break his ankle with such a violent jump off the Deadmonton bandwagon. lol LET’S GO DEBS!!!

  3. McLeod, Skinner, Bouchard all need contracts. We will have 1,916,667 in dead cap still on the Neal buyout. That drops off JUST before Leon becomes a UFA so that is extra money for him but that's years down the road. Let's just talk about what we have to deal with now. You may be able to bridge Bouch for around 2.5 to 3 for 2 years rather than the big bucks up front. In so far as Murray we'll have Broberg and Neims at low money for two years (so really one more year past this one). That gives a bit of breathing room. We also have other up and comers. Remember: Leon and Connor being resigned is YEARS down the road and the Cap has to go up before then. I see it going up a LOT before Leon signs and then even more when Connor comes due. We'll see. Thanks for the vid.

  4. i disagree that we are having the same discussion this year, at least now we have a solid very good top 6, we just need to add defense

  5. All of the analysis in this video is great, but the Oilers would be better off getting rid of some of these players that you think they should keep just because…. McLeod.. Great player. Not worth much more than what he's making right now. Won't be worth that much more come August. Skinner.. Yeah, he's bailed the team out. But he isn't Jordan Binnington. He isn't going to get a ton of money and if he doesn't like it, he can go elsewhere. Bouchard.. Not a first pair defenseman on any team in the NHL. He isn't going to get the kind of money he wants anywhere. He's good to a point, but still gives up far too much to be worth Nurse or Barry money.

    There are a handful of players on the Oilers roster that they should be focused on keeping around. The people listed in this video are not those people.

  6. Bettman once said the cap was going up several millions and it didn’t raise at all.
    He’s playing it safe now after the backlash, better to promise a decent number and then over perform

  7. I’m also disagreeing that we thought 4-5 million was going to be added. How?? When? Why? Noooo. MAYBE 1-1.5 at the max & that’s being generous.

  8. McDavid is not staying with the oilers they are done Holland put this team in cap hell won't even try to make the team good Campbell is not a starter and now is a 5 million backup

  9. Nurse's contract is a joke. 9.25 a yr? So is another yr of $4.5 mil to Tyson Barrie. $3 mil a yr for Yamamoto? Give me a break. How dumb is this organization? Almost $17 mil on underperforming Dmen and 1 forward? That's the kind of crap that has gotten them into trouble. Too bad they can't buy them out. lol. Of course, they are stuck with that. DOn't offer a contract to McLeod, Puljajarvi, Shore, Klefbom, or Bouchard for starters, that'll probably solve the issue. i Dump Shore, Dump Puljajarvi, McLeod, Klefbom, and Smith should be off his money for nothing scam….Tell Skinner if he wants to stay in Edmonton with his mommy and daddy, he's only getting $850 tops. Too bad they didn't sign McDavid for like $10 mil. Does he really need 12.5 a yr?

  10. Ryan McLeod, I don't care how bad he plays making $880K a year, they'll have to double his contract? Wut? Do you realize if you underperform, are not playing because you're on IR, his contract should not double. That's just dumb. That's that Canadian socialism talking. You guys are too used to spread the wealth programs.

  11. don't we get some cap relief next year; our dman sekkara off the books, and there is another one … 1.5 mill to our forward who we've been paying out for like 5 years. his name escapes me now. but i believe there are payments coming off the books, finally.

  12. Hey friend. Just a kind suggestion! You should get a couple of photography lights from Amazon Canada (you can get some deals) and it would greatly improve your video quality if you put one infront of you while filming, and one behind you ! It makes videos look awesome 🙂 just a suggestion. I feel like it would look very professional – good for subscribers

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