@Red Wings de Détroit

Ryan Reaves du Wild attrape Filip Hronek des Red Wings avec un ÉNORME coup sur glace

Regardez l’attaquant du Wild du Minnesota Ryan Reaves attraper le défenseur des Red Wings de Détroit Filip Hronek avec un énorme coup sûr alors qu’il sortait de la zone défensive. Aucune pénalité n’a été imposée sur le jeu.


  1. Garbage hit, principal point of contact is the head, the NHL needs to severely punish this repeat offender… before more young talent is lost to 'AHL talent' headhunting over the middle.

  2. Можешь хитовать, можешь драться, но нафига калечить человека, своего коллегу. Вот поэтому меньше драк, чем в 60-90е, но грязи стало больше. Думать головой надо, что ты едешь калечить человека.
    You may hit, you may fight, but what for are you doing this: just damage your colleague. Thats why we have less fights than in 60-90s, but more dirty play. You need to think by your heas that you are going to destroy other hockey player.

  3. After the game, Red Wings coach Derek LaLonde absolved Reaves of blame for the hit and said Hronek was expecting a delayed penalty, hence the lack of awareness.
    "I think Filip would want his play back – exposing himself," LaLonde told reporters after the game, per Joe Smith. "I talked to him quick there. He thought there was a penalty on the play. He was waiting for the goalie to come out … I know Reaves was not malicious."

  4. I miss him on the blues 🙁 glad he is still kiskin ass though m/

  5. Big hit. That was too much contact on the head tho. I don't think players should go for the kill anymore. There were too many life changing (not only career ending) hits in the 90s.

  6. What a hit! Clean as well. Good reminder to watch ahead and whats coming infront of you

  7. Reeves is a goon. That's his role in the NHL. Hockey players have long memories though, just ask Claude Lemieux… there should have been a penalty because he went head-hunting and he left his feet. I've seen hits far less viscous than this one get 5 minutes and a game misconduct. In todays NHL we're not supposed to be seeing this stuff anymore I thought. Apparently there's still plenty of room for Kocur, Probert, D-Mac and hell, even Marty LaPoint. Keep your head up Ryan! "You're a daisy if ya do".

  8. I've seen NHL player hits like this and the attacker definitely gets suspended. The commentators were blind or did not want to say what is blatantly obvious. There was definitely point of contact on the head, this should be reviewed. Ryan Reaves goon like behavior diminishes the sport.

  9. Hope Hronek is alright, the NFL is getting soft and fear NHL is going the same way. Hronek isn't skating with his head up/eyes forward. Clean open ice hit, Reaves wasn't even skating that fast. Hronek literally hung himself out to dry

    What are you doing skating through the middle of your zone looking at your teammate? Save the fighting for the dirty hits

  10. Textbook hockey bodycheck.

    What was Hronek looking at, I don't get it. There was obviously no pass play in that direction available.

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