@Blues de Saint-Louis

L’infirmière de Darnell retourne la rondelle, Vladimir Tarasenko égalise le match en désavantage numérique avec 19 secondes à jouer

Regardez Vladimir Tarasenko prendre l’avantage après un revirement de Darnell Nurse, permettant aux Blues de St. Louis d’égaliser le match avec les Oilers d’Edmonton avec seulement 19 secondes à jouer.


  1. He was sad because he knew they were still gonna lose in OT. Turns out the situation room had other plans rip

  2. Володя, красавчик! В меньшинстве, на последней минуте,- Русский танк,-сравнял счет! Команда победила!👍

  3. Nurse is not good at the game he gets paid 9 million a year to play.

  4. Nurse needa be a 3rd line D man, I’m tired of his low iq with the puck.

  5. Genuinely criminal how this guy gets paid 9mil for being the huge liability he is. Regardless of a win or loss, he’s the oilers biggest issue. Sick and tired of seeing our defense screw everyone over

  6. Какой хитрый план: Бучневич демонстративно удаляется и вводит противника в заблуждения, а Володя по шустрому сравнивает сет.
    "Мы легких путей не ищем.")))

  7. Please trade DARNEL NURSE.. he is terrible defenceman.. PLEASE TRADE NURSE..

  8. Nurse turns it over and then doesn’t take tarasenko in the slot…..I guess greenway was right about him!

  9. Nurse. Uninterested and unimpressive. Edmonton should trade him but who would want him? Nobody.

  10. mcdavid can score highlight reel goals but rarely does things to help his team win if we're honest. this is why playoff success eludes the oilers. any team that plays them hard and has a decent goalie wins.

  11. Idk… I feel like Nurse was doing the right thing but the Blues forecheck was just executed perfectly here

  12. Nurse should be getting 6 million per tops. Not sure how his agent pulled this off, but it's impressive.

  13. Yeah it was his mistake. But also afraid about his mentality. So many bullies after games (((

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