@Wild du Minnesota

Faits saillants de la LNH | Blackhawks contre Wild – 16 décembre 2022

Mats Zuccarello a porté l’offensive en enregistrant son deuxième tour du chapeau en carrière et en ajoutant une aide et Marc-André Fleury a repoussé 29 des 30 tirs alors que le Wild du Minnesota battait les Blackhawks de Chicago 4-1.


  1. Разделали пернатых на наггетсы. Детройт, Оттава и даже Фили пытаются что то делать, а в Чикаго похоже всем похер, жаль местных болельщиков. Особый Респект Андреичу! Жаль свой же не дал очередной сухарь получить.

  2. I tried watching this, but some girl wouldn't shut up during the whole video ….

  3. WILD!!! PLEAZE! FOR THA LUV A GOD! Abandon the Christmas colors. And just make these the team colors. Those uniforms are GREAT!

  4. The first goal is 100% all on Toews.

    0:35 is where the play starts. Kaprizov is on the farside boards. Toews in the vicinity. Pass comes to Kap and Toews moves into more closely guard him now. Kap skates towards top of the point while making a smooth drop pass to his teammate at the point who was pinching in suddenly.

    Kap begins a bit of a 'spiral' pattern as he arcs back towards the slot are but leaning nearside. Toews closely follows him the whole way. Kap continues to the spiral into the front of the net then up and out back on the left side and stops. Instead of finishing following and stopping with Kap, Toews get caught gazing. He loses track of Kap for literally no reason. Pass comes to Kap, he fires it towards the net, boom, goal.

    Great job, Captain!

    Honorable mention to Tinordi. Just prior he had Zuc directly behind him. Zuc slides to the other side of the goal mouth, Tinordi continues to screen his own goalie, lol. Kap's shot/pass goes directly to Zuc who redirects it inside. Not sure why Tinordi felt comfortable standing directly in front of his goalie there, but seems like he should have gone with Zuc and make it more difficult for him.

  5. when Zucarello scored a goal, the son was happy for his father😊. it's a pity that you cut it out

  6. Кирилл снова с очками, по сути создает атаку Миннесоты, а в это время главный специалист по честному отрабатыванию контрактов даунти за 11 млн косячит и привозит проблемы к своим воротам

  7. Если бы не Мразек, то индейцам навалили бы полный "фиг вам" диких кузнечиков..!😌
    Капризуля красаУчеГГ 👍

  8. Бедные индейцы!Им необходимо трансформировать их селекционную работу!Плачевно выглядят.

  9. I think Kaprizov could've hit the empty net if he wanted to. Incredible senses to know where Zuccarello is and classy move to get him the puck. Hats off to the lizard, and a great win for the Wild!

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