@Avalanche du Colorado

GOTTA SEE IT: Nathan MacKinnon complète un tour du chapeau avec un objectif incroyable d’un océan à l’autre

Regardez l’attaquant de l’Avalanche du Colorado Nathan MacKinnon prendre de la vitesse derrière son propre filet et s’élancer sur la glace avec détermination tout en se faufilant entre les joueurs des St. Louis Blues en cours de route avant de tirer la rondelle devant Ville Husso pour un but irréel.


  1. I'm not a hockey fan (I maybe watch a few playoffs/finals games if I see the score is close, and I don't know the rules very well, etc.) I think I was watching an NBA playoff game or something, and tuned over to this game, and within about 30 seconds I saw this play, WOW!
    My jaw dropped…like I said, I'm not a hockey fan, but just being generally a sports fan, I was so glad I saw this effort in real time and know it was very special.

  2. This might be strange but as a Red Wings fan I couldn’t be happier for the Avs. You guys 100% deserve the cup and it’s great to see a team finally take out the lightning. Hopefully one day we’ll see a Wings/Avs final

  3. Watching this goal, seeing the score and how much time was left you would have never thought the Blues would end up winning in overtime.

  4. He's so fast it's as if all the other players' engines broke down and he's still going.

  5. The celly was top notch too. Just pure emotion coming out of him

  6. He picks up the puck behind his own net and crosses his own goal line with about 2:53 on the clock. When the puck hits the back of the net the clock reads 2:47. He covered the full length of the ice in 6 seconds while carrying the puck, skating around the Blues forward and completely undressing the defenseman.

  7. This has to be one of the best goals I've ever seen. Just everything about it. His skating and puck control, end to end and that puck wasn't an easy one to handle as he took his shot. I can't stop watching this. His crossovers through the neutral zone??!! Just pure power.

  8. This game still pisses me off. This will go down as top ten goal in playoffs, but sadly the avs choking will overshadow how great of a goal this was.

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