@Oilers d'Edmonton

« Je porte un micro, il vaut mieux faire attention à ce que vous dites » Arbitre à Kailer Yamamoto

Téléchargé par Alyssa Hope Channel Lien : https://www.youtube.com/c/AlyssaHope Alyssa Hope Twitter : @_alyssa_hope Tous les droits vont à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. Once again the refs (or in this case the situation room) screw the Oilers. That second penalty of Yamamoto was bs and the OT goal should have stood. It was a good goal on the ice and it should have stood. BS.

  2. Pretty accurate when a white man talks to a half asian with a condescending way

  3. like the NFL the NHL is rigged. No Canadian team will win the Stanley Cup with Gary Bettman at the helm

  4. Theses refs think they own the NHL or something. Absolute clowns.

  5. not a lot, but still a foul. Good Call.
    keep your hands to yourself.
    don't grab the opponents stick or hold them back with an armbar clothesline

  6. this was on probably the worst penalty call this year for the oilers so Yammo had every right to yap at him.

  7. I love when even the Blues announcers are like "oh boy" because the call was so bad… The Blues players just deeked himself out and fell down, could you imagine if the refs used this sort of standard to call things all game and not just when they think one team needs a PP to get back into the game? The crosscheck on McDavid in OT certainly would have been called.

  8. see how he likes say that to Yamamoto refs need a attitude check , they need to understand that the players are playing hockey they poured their Blood Sweat and Tears and then when they do something the ref thinks is a penatly they call it so sometimes the guy is on adrenaline so of course he is going to chirp the ref and that is never token in to account but when a ref has a bad day a whole team pay that is unfair that fact alone aggravates the coach the players and the fans against the referees

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