@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers d’Edmonton ont un problème avec Darnell Nurse?

Dans l’épisode d’aujourd’hui de Locked on Oilers, nous nous penchons sur ce qu’il faut faire avec Darnell Nurse et si la panique est prématurée. Après une autre sortie difficile pour Darnell Nurse, est-il temps d’appuyer sur le bouton de panique du défenseur, ou les partisans des Oilers devraient-ils laisser le premier d’un contrat de huit ans suivre son cours? De plus, nous avons un aperçu du match contre les Ducks d’Anaheim, car les Oilers pourraient avoir Warren Foegele de retour dans l’alignement pour celui-là. Et enfin, nous terminons avec notre rapport sur les condors de Bakersfield qui comprend un peu de nouvelles de dernière heure ! Tout cela et bien plus encore dans l’épisode d’aujourd’hui de Locked on Oilers ! #EdmontonOilers #Edmonton #Oilers #anaheimDucks #Anaheim #Ducks #DarnellNurse Soutenez-nous en soutenant nos sponsors ! Built Bar Built Bar est une barre protéinée qui a le goût d’une barre chocolatée. Rendez-vous sur builtbar.com et utilisez le code promotionnel « LOCKEDON15 » et vous obtiendrez 15 % de réduction sur votre prochaine commande. BetOnline BetOnline.net vous a couvert cette saison avec plus d’accessoires, de cotes et de lignes que jamais auparavant. BetOnline – Où le jeu commence ! SimpliSafe Avec la technologie Fast Protect™️, une exclusivité de SimpliSafe, des agents de surveillance 24h/24 et 7j/7 capturent des preuves pour vérifier avec précision une menace afin d’accélérer la réponse de la police. Il n’y a pas de coffre-fort comme SimpliSafe. Visitez SimpliSafe.com/LockedOnNHL pour en savoir plus. NHTSA Conduisez sobre ou faites-vous arrêter. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.


  1. Seriously, in what realm of reality can Darnell Nurse be paid more than Cale Makar? Cale Makar is easily the best defense man in the league, arguably might be the best defense man in the league since Bobby Orr. And wrap your head around the fact that the Oilers are paying more for Nurse than Cale Makar makes? Nurses contact is such a joke even players on the other teams are literally making fun of him for it on the ice. Pathetic!

  2. I posted this same thing on The Hockey Guy's video from today as well and I do not know too many people that keep a copy of the NHL Rulebook on their computer, but I am one of them. Mainly because the NHL officiating either by the Officials on ice or back in Toronto lack clarity of their own interpretation of the rules themselves. I've heard way too much about the NHL needing to define what possession is and what counts as off-side. And that right there is the issue. The NHL Rulebook has this clearly defined as you will see.

    The thing about the offside last night for me is that I do not see how he lost control of the puck. He had it before he crossed the line, and even though it was not touching his stick, he was "still" in possession of the puck. No one else touched the puck and it did not slide away from him at all. Therefore we must look at how the NHL Rulebook defines 2 things. 1) Possession of the Puck and 2) Off-side.

    Let's start by first looking at what the NHL considers possession.

    Page 213 (Glossary of Terms) within the NHL Rulebook defines the term "Possession of the Puck" as follows:

    "The last player to physically touch the puck with his stick or body shall be considered in possession of the puck. (NOTE 1) A player can have possession of the puck without control, but he cannot have control of the puck without possession."

    The Rule of Possession is referenced in the following rules: 1, 3, 9, 15, 56, 69, 72, 76, 79, 81, 83, and 85.

    Now let's take a look at what the NHL considers control.

    Page 212 (Glossary of Terms) within the NHL Rulebook defines the term "Control of the Puck" as follows:
    "The act of propelling the puck with the stick, hand, or feet. Control of the puck is not lost when contact with the puck is made by an opponent, the boards or the net, provided the player in control of the puck continues propelling the puck."

    The Rule of Possession is referenced in the following rules: 8, 10, 15, 25, 26, 56, 57, and 83.

    Alright, now that we have defined both of those key aspects of what the NHL defines as both possession and control of the puck as they both directly apply to the Off-side rule itself. So lets look at that.

    Page 126 of the NHL Rulebook defines Rule 83 – Off-side as:

    "83.1 Off-side – Players of the attacking team must not precede the puck into the attacking zone.

    The position of the player's skates and not that of his stick shall be the determining factor in all instances in deciding an off-side. A player is off-side when both skates are completely over the leading edge of the blue line involved in the play.

    A player is on-side when either of his skates are in contact with the blue line, or on his own side of the line, at the instant the puck completely crosses the leading edge of the blue line. On his own side of the line shall be defined by a "plane" of the blue line which shall extend from the leading edge of the blue line upwards. If a player's skate has yet to break the "plane" prior to the puck completely crossing the leading edge, he is deemed to be on-side for the purpose of the off-side rule.

    A player controlling the puck who shall cross the line ahead of the puck shall not be considered "off-side", provided he had possession and control of the puck prior to his skates crossing the leading edge of the blue line.

    If a player legally carries, passes or plays the puck back into his own defending zone while a player of the opposing team is in such defending zone, the off-side shall be ignored and play permitted to continue."

    With all of that said, you can see that the second last paragraph of Rule 83.1 is what specifically relates to what happened last night in OT when McDavid crossed the line. Based on the rules as per the NHL Rulebook itself clearly defines that McDavid had possession of the puck before he crossed the line, and as he crossed the line. He had possession and control of the puck the entire time meaning he (and anyone else who has possession of the puck at the time of crossing the leading edge of the blue line) was by definition on-side. Therefore, good goal.

    There are people that are also trying to say that he did not have "control" of the puck. Well again by definition, yes he did. It matters not that he didn't touch it again until he was in the circle. What matters is when he crossed the leading edge of the blue line. Never mind the fact that he was the only one that touched it. O'Reilly did not touch the puck and even if he had, he would not have been considered to have had possession because he did not propel the puck forward. McDavid did.

  3. Complain about Nurse , but not talk has easy McDavid got pushed off the puck behind the net that set up Nurse’ s mistake , and it was offsides , they got it wrong in the playoffs,, and had a 2 goal lead with 9 minutes left

  4. I think nurse should do the (no ice challenge) it’s where he does everything to avoid playing anymore games

  5. Nurse needs to be questioned. So he can taks the next step. His passes have been lazy at times. Or at least not safe. He also needs to keep his emotions in check when he feels he needs tk be physical. Im not a fan of him on the PK either.

    And why do we play him 25 minutes a game when we play 7 forwards?

  6. Besides Nurse 2 plays the Oilers played a very mature game i think. It was a 3-2 ,2-1 type game. Thats a playoff type win. And happy about skinners play continuing to improve. Also line 3 and 4 tilting rhe ice like Jay is looking for

  7. Whether its 9 million or 7 i dont really care. Hes worth 6 or 7. So whats 2 or 3 million really? Every team has abad contract or 2? Koskinen anyone?

    I hate to be the Ducks today

  8. I would scratch Puli for Foeghle. Clearly,we are playing Puli to have h8m as trade bait. Puli hasnt played bad. I havent seen mistakes and or dumb penalities. And he does the right thing most of the time. But we need some goals from him

  9. Nurse simply is over paid and constantly makes mistakes simply put he is a cap space nightmare what a horrible contract

  10. Really like how you put everything in the bigger picture…totally agree woth you on Nurse…doesn't make sense to bash on a player that is mentally down too…new sub here😊

  11. To be honest, I've been listening to you on spotfly forever, and this is my first time watching on YouTube and didn't expect a nice-looking person! Keep doing a great job!

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