@Avalanche du Colorado

Faits saillants de la LNH | Prédateurs contre Avalanche – 17 décembre 2022

Alexander Georgiev n’a accordé qu’un seul but sur 26 tirs, et Cale Makar a inscrit deux points pour mener l’Avalanche du Colorado à une victoire sur les Predators de Nashville 3-1.


  1. Увы, но хищники продолжают катиться вниз по наклонной. Ненавистники Нэшвилл, можете злорадствовать, но знайте: СМЕЁТСЯ ТОТ, КТО СМЕЁТСЯ ПОСЛЕДНИЙ! Просто внутри клуба, что то происходит не то. Но хищники, ещё своё последние слово скажут!

  2. Great game. Everyone stepped up. Georgiev played really well, Rantanen keeps it coming, and I loved Ben Meyers. Well done Avs

  3. They’re starting to get guys back and they’re starting to look like the Colorado Avalanche and not the guys from Loveland, the Colorado Eagles. I love the Eagles but we’ve sorely missed all our injured guys. Can’t wait until we get both Landy and Big Mac back!!! Then we will make a huge push for the playoffs.

  4. I member people said the avs can’t beat the preds with saros in net and well that was false. Avs beat them without mackinnon and saros in net haha.

  5. Молодцы. Проявили характер. Вэл помогал, как мог, жаль не забил…

  6. Preds doing what they do best…being underwhelming in their consistently inconsistent, Jekyll-Hyde form of mediocrity for their owners to make a buck. Then their media personnel has the audacity to lecture the fanbase on Twitter for being pissed off about it. With 22 years seeing it evolve firsthand as a STH, it's time for David Poile to fkn go! Thanks for establishing the Preds in my hometown, David, now GTFO!!! The fact that not even one 1st round Predator is on the roster making an impact is a testament to your 💩 legacy in scouting and poor asset management. After the magic of 2017, the price gouging, introduction of corporate fkn causal fandom that followed and replaced the camaraderie of regular fans in the early years…on top of the missing-milk-carton performances of the team's purported stars…I'm getting to the point where I cannot stand this BS any longer. 🖕

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