@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST-RAW | Jay Woodcroft 12.17.22

Jay s’adresse aux médias depuis Rogers Place après la défaite 4-3 des Oilers contre les Ducks samedi après-midi.


  1. It's BEYOND evident now that the D core on Edmonton are probably the worst mix on a "playoff team". Currently, the Oilers do not look like a playoff team. And there's no coaching change or big addition to save them like last year. She's screwed boys. Reality.

  2. It's not just bad play by the defenseman. It's poor defensive zone coverage generally. We are real sloppy in our defensive zone and cannot continue to play this way if we want to make the playoffs.

  3. That’s fine, aneheim had 9 wins in 32 games,. Give it to them.. oilers fought hard enough. ❤ let’s move on and be more better next time..

  4. You got beat by 37 place team wake up Jay this team is going no where 5 million backup skinner is no starter bye bye playoffs 97 29 eill be out of here very soon

  5. Getting out of the way so the goalie can see and stop the puck is important. But at some point and times just reach out and stop it or you got.to.let it hit u. The bouchard example was a good example

  6. The offense was strong and brought strong play and zone control, but the defense was as loose as a 2 dollar hoe in certain moments. Bouchard was very weak today. If only he stood in front if that puck instead of getting out of the way last minute. I hope he and the rest of the defense sees what happened and plays solid. Maybe 1 major mistake per game instead of the usual 3.

  7. There’s coaching then there babysitting…..😮😮😮Coaching change maybe.. ?? Trade Woody for Sutter? Cuz times running out this year fast

  8. A good team does not lose this game. "We have to clean it up" doesn't cut it any more. How many times have the Oilers been "goalied" this year? Good teams don't get goalied. This is the NHL; the goalies are all good. Nothing but a weak excuse.

  9. I’m 100% serious when I say this!!! Let’s swap Nurse and Puljujavi positions. Cause Nurse sucks at D and Jesse suck at offense

  10. Jay. is starting to sound like Dave Tippet was sounding before he was let go last season.

  11. Woody is sounding like Tipp after each and every loss. If guys are screwing up, they need to be moved down in minutes on the ice regardless of how much they are getting paid.

  12. As an Oiler fan this team is painful to watch. Oh you keep saying the same f…ng thing got to clean things up we'll try doing that. Hearing the same old stories over and over again. Defence sucks simple!

  13. How many times will the coach say “we have to clean some things up” before they actually do something to clean up the deficiencies.

  14. get some defensemen? really? how about…. a coach. an assistant coach. a goalie. maybe another couple number one draft picks i guess.

  15. edmonton Oilers owner doesn't deserve a winning team. 

    I put a curse on your team the DAY I found out you SOLD the name of your building to ROGERS and wouldn't pay back the taxpayers of Edmonton what they chipped in. I don't go to games that support Edmonton Oilers owners. There is a million people in Edmonton, and if your not going to build a million seat building, then why should EVERYBODY PAY your bill.

    I hope McDavid and Leon stay and keep ruining the team with the maximum dollars they can get out of Katz without even winning a conference. Can't afford to put a team around McDavid, Draisaitl, and Nurse…..lol. Take a pay cut and hire better line mates? hell no says McDavid and Draisaitl.

  16. One hundred MILLION dollars is what McDavid has been paid up to the end of this year…..lmao. suckers.

  17. Man Connor should definitely ask for a trade out he will never win a cup with the Oilers

  18. 😮Edmonton loved woody when he took over last season cuz he was a coach. This year I see him as being soft an letting the $$$ players coach him. An that doesn’t work… new coach maybe.??

  19. Nice guys finish last.
    Babcock Quenneville Hartley Tortorella type of coach needed.
    The mighty Ducks win with their 3rd goalie!
    Unacceptable soldier.
    Good luck catching the Seattle Kraken.

  20. So Jay, what happens when said players don’t learn from their easily-correctable mistakes?

    I haven’t seen any change whatsoever in certain unnamed players games, the same mistakes over and over and over and……….

  21. Fire Schwartz immediately and get a goalie coach who's over 6'2", has had an NHL career, and knows what works for taller goalies. Every goalie that the Oilers have had since Schwartz came here has went downhill. How this guy keeps his job while head coaches are shown the door is beyond me. Yes Nurse & Bouchard are brutal but having a guy in net that can bail out your D when they make a mistake makes a big difference. Schwartz is ruining our goalies and our up and coming Dmen when they see every mistake they make end up in our net

  22. Defense for the Oil is bottom feeding amongst the league worst. Mistakes this, mistakes that. Oil Nation wants it fixed. Enough is enough ffs!!

  23. Never thought I'd see the day where an entire D-Core is 100% unteachable. Professor Woodcroft has thrown every ounce of mathematical hockey sense to our DCore in practice, but when your students are dumber than a sack of hammers there's just no hope. You can't just turn off stupidity. Stupidity is in your DNA. Unfortunately, the Oiler's DCore won't be graduating from the school of common sense anytime soon. We're in for a rough season. Holland's contract is starting to look equally as toxic as Nurse's contract. Oiler nation is still waiting for Holland to get off his donut eating ass and make some moves. I'm starting to think Schwartz has got some dirt on everyone locked away in a safety deposit box. Lol why in the name of heaven is this guy untouchable in the firing department? I'd start getting suspicious if anyone saw Dustin Schwartz and the entire DCore out dinner together (no goalie present) lol. Ladies and gentlemen your McLeon Oilers.

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