@Oilers d'Edmonton

McDavid fait des choses McDavid

L’attaquant des Oilers Connor McDavid le fait lui-même en supériorité numérique, battant Jordan Binnington pour donner à Edmonton une avance de 2-1 sur les Blues


  1. It’s insane how he does this almost every week. He 5 levels above everyone else in the league.

  2. He also turned over the puck in his own zone to give away the game tying goal and then eventually lose the game 🙂

  3. Ya right on NHL what a bad call. Your situation room is brain dead. That same play was called good last year in the playoffs. What a joke.

  4. NHL mcdavid is close to Two points a game. First time in 30 years someone is on this pace. And you make that call in OT. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? total bush league.

  5. His highlights are amazing. I’ve been watching hockey for 40 years- he is the most gifted along with Mario. They both make it look so easy it’s disgusting

  6. This guy jukes people on ice like football receivers do on the field. A split second jerk and then GONE 😮

  7. Screw the nhl situation room for robbing mcdavid and the oilers a goal. Makar can be offside and it’s all good but if mcdavid does it it’s not good.

  8. He seriously plays on rookie difficulty. Dude is skating Mach 5 and making everyone look like pylons. Unreal. I don't know how he does it every single game

  9. The confidence is unreal like shooting a 3 and turning around

  10. we could do a top 10 plays of McDavid every week and it would be just as awesome as the top 10 plays around the league every week

  11. Best hockey player in history (Skill). Can't beat Gretzky's records but he is more talented, without a doubt.

  12. He got the puck at the defensive faceoff circle, 4-5 seconds later it's in the back of the net

  13. Every day I see an highlight of McDavid doing something like that wth LOL 😛

  14. Maybe quit shafting him with the calls and we'll see more of it

  15. Does this featurette include getting knocked off the puck by someone your own size, a play that leads to the game tying goal with 19 seconds left?

  16. I put this on the lowest speed possible to see all the nuances of the moves and actually see the puck when he shoots. That was cool. Results were also way funnier than I expected.

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