@Predators de Nashville

Les censeurs de la LNH « Vous sucez! » chants des fans des Nashville Predators

La censure de la LNH encore une fois..


  1. I don't know they were pretty quiet in game 6 and I'm pretty sure I watched every single f**** hockey game there was in the playoffs as I do every year

  2. I don't know they were pretty quiet in game 6 and I'm pretty sure I watched every single f**** hockey game there was in the playoffs as I do every year

  3. I don't know they were pretty quiet in game 6 and I'm pretty sure I watched every single hockey game there was in the playoffs as I do every yeark

  4. I really can’t stand the predators as a team and I can’t stand their fans

  5. The Devils also use "You Suck!" on their goal horn. Besides, there probably has been such chirping since before goalie masks. Also, what is wrong with congratulating the other team after a series?

  6. Oh please. It's a harmless chant…I've been in the building for 18 years now as a STH and loving them for the atmosphere they create. Class is being able to say the chant and then politely wishing the visiting fans "a safe drive home or that it's a pleasure to have you in Nashville". It happens a lot more than you realize, especially to those that come from Canada. Nashville has become an eclectic, party city after all.

    Of course, EVERY fan base has its worst as does every city. I have in the past felt the need to right the politically conservative ass that boorishly jeers at the "liberal city" fans for coming to the game (you may find those political "savants" here as well). That's classless and on a level with the many intoxicated Blackhawks fans over the years (2010 on)…plus two verbal altercations with Blues fans dating back to April 3, 2004…yes, I remember the damn date well. However, that shouldn't represent their fan base as a whole…neither should one dumbass Preds fan represent our own.

    Now if I can just get the 17,113 that have sold out the past 94-95 home games to learn some additional hockey courtesy and not cut across to their seat while the puck is in play…that'd be great.

  7. I still laugh at people who think the predators should have won this series. They were completely outclassed and the penguins were the far superior team and we didn't even have full strength. Also game 5 was another indication that Nashville was way in over their heads even being in the final.

  8. Just finishing my NHL tour and I can say that Nashville and Dallas were the two teams where the fans did this kind of chanting, nowhere near as loud in Dallas though. Most of their fans don't stick around for the hand shakes when they get eliminated to boo anyhow. Pretty strange when I realize Boston and Philly fans had more decorum.

  9. If pens fans did this it would be a disgrace to hockey. Anybody else does it and it fine. Doesn't make sense

  10. In defense of the NHL, they may have censored Karlsson because they thought he was about to cuss. MAYBE

  11. I am not a Predators fan but that is ridiculous the league would try and do this?!?!? What kind of panzie society are we?!?!? Christ!

  12. Funny enough, that very same postseason, there were rumours that the NHL was attempting to quiet the crowds in Ottawa by bringing down the microphones' sensitivity.

  13. What a load of BS , to have your" so called" " fans" shouting you suck" Do you know what it takes to play at NHL level? even the worst player in the entire NHL, could run rings around most other Ice hockey players! in any other hockey league! in any country, around the world, So have some respect for these amazing ice hockey players. Just to be selected for any team in the NHL , not anyone is good enough, they only pick the best! none of these" fans" would ever make it to he NHL ! So STFU and sit down, and enjoy the hockey, even if your team loses!! FFS

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