@Canucks de Vancouver

Mais les cartes numériques de la LNH ne sont pas un « problème »…

Selon Gary Bettman, les publicités sur les panneaux numériques de la LNH ne sont pas un « problème »…. La nuit dernière, les Jets de Winnipeg au match des Canucks de Vancouver nous ont montré pourquoi ce n’est pas vrai… pour le moment. Au cours du 2e, les tableaux numériques se sont éteints. Ils sont restés ainsi, devenant tout noirs pendant environ une demi-minute. Je couvre cela, le fan des Canucks de Vancouver jetant un maillot sur la glace et tout le reste dans la vidéo récapitulative du hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #NHL #nonissue #winnipegjets #vancouvercanucks #garybettman #digitalboards #boardsgoblack


  1. In my opinion people are definitely overreacting when it comes to the digital boards. They are fine but people are acting like watching the game is impossible because of these boards

  2. Advertising is seeping into every aspect of life. I get why it exists but I personally hate it. I make a point to not shop at a place that I've seen advertised in a distracting way. I find on a long enough time scale, it seeps into every open space and just pollutes whatever you're looking at.

  3. when the game has less bugs than the real thing, maybe there's a minor issues

  4. I know Bettman makes the league a lot of money but as a fan I want nothing more than for him to resign already.

  5. I no longer watch any NHL games because of all the idiotic advertising on the boards. I'm out.

  6. What a joke, who they poll? The board display should not be allowed to change during live play

  7. I don't feel for their fans. Not since they destroyed their city when they lost the Stanley Cup Final.

  8. I would pay not to see these ads .. there annoying AF

  9. I get why the fan tossed the jersey, but have a problem raising his hands like he achieved something. It's not a celebration. Nothing to celebrate. Put your hands down.

  10. Just do the digital ads right. If they can't do it right, just pump the breaks. No moving ads for sure.

  11. Quick comment regarding the hits stat disparity: you can't hit if you have control of the puck. The fact that Winnipeg had almost all of the shots in that period pretty much confirms it. Vancouver was chasing.

  12. the digital boards have literally made me stop watching hockey this year… i actually get nauseous 😖

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