@Ligue nationale de hockey

Essayer d’expliquer cela à un nouveau fan de hockey

Essayer d’expliquer cela à un nouveau fan de hockey



  1. Trying to explain hockey with still images is impossible but I will do my best since I’ve seen the video with CMD so let me explain, because ROR was able to impede CMD movements it forced him offside. In the lower clip I’m assuming the puck jumped over Makar stick causing him to lose control and going offside

    Both are good calls and very obvious

    edit: he is a decent breakdown with clips showing exactly what is happening and as you can see ROR caused CMD to slightly lose control and cause the offisde,


  2. Adorable-Slip2260

    I mean those are two very different situations. One guy is way offside without the puck while his teammate has possession the other is a guy with possession putting himself offside in a (what shouldn’t be) legal way. The NHL’s desperation to artificially create goals has resulted in a board line bad product trying to cater to fair weather fans that don’t exist and as you point out get confused by this nonsense.

  3. Feowen_

    I am over this. I get why they were both called that way.

    I get offside calls, if theres confusion here it more has to do with what « possession » is.

    But having heard all the arguments, I think calling McDavid offside is the correct call as he was challenged by RoR and that is enough to remove any ambiguity if he should be allowed to enter ahead of the puck, he wouldn’t have of RoR wasn’t there. Entering offside gives McDavid am advantage the rule is designed to prevent.

    This in the spirit of the rule, it’s the right call. McDavid doesn’t need additional advantages to pylon defensemen.

  4. shittybillz

    Both should’ve been offside. I’ve said my piece.

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