@Blues de Saint-Louis

Faits saillants de la LNH | Blues contre Canucks – 19 décembre 2022

Jordan Kyrou a enregistré son premier tour du chapeau en carrière et a ajouté une aide et Rob Thomas a ajouté un but et une aide pour aider les Blues de St. Louis à battre les Canucks de Vancouver 5-1.


  1. Кайра забивает благодаря кому!? Тарасику и Барабашке , да и Буч тоже не в сторонке курит! А то тут некоторые принижают достоинства наших патеХфонтиков!🙄🤔😏

  2. Нужно что то менять касаткам наверно вратарь нужен

  3. У Блюз дела прямо с переменным успехом в начале сезона идут: то по пять баранок хватают, то вот серия побед подряд. Желаю удачи всем парням из Блюз, и хороших побед в новом году, надо Капризного с К° догонять, а то они уже немного ушли вперёд.

  4. i would recommend vancouver sports radio after these eggs on home ice, its really entertaining, im not even canucks fan but even I tune it.

  5. Garbage in, Garbage out.
    The entire team is pathetic, Bruce has lost the room. Zero team chemistry, GM & president not coming up with anything better than lame excuses. As if the entire establishment is fighting a massive parasite & not winning either.

  6. Teams have sure figured out the book on Martin…high glove. Drops on almost every shot. Once Thatcher returns, it's back to being a career backup Spencer. We'll be long out of the playoff race by then….

  7. Canucks better trade for a couple of penalty killers, because their penalty killing is absolutely horrendous. Worst I've seen in awhile. It cost them any chance of staying in the game. I heard somewhere that Canucks have the worst PK in the league, and boy did it ever show in this game. Team needs a shake up, even a minor one to start with. What a mess.

  8. Let's hope the martin experiment is over. Minor leaguers should stay in the minors to get good.

  9. Not impressed with the Canuck game plan . This lull them to sleep then jump on them only works if you are able to jump

  10. I miss Demko & Pettersson. Martin is letting in questionable goals, and besides Hughes our defence is garbage. Bruce is probably gone soon . Lastly, playing this badly at home is unacceptable.

  11. Ох каких двух красоток показали, не дай Бог в такой стране жить, то ли дело в Украине, куда не посмотришь везде глаз радуется, шикарные девчата даже в 50 выглядят превосходно!

  12. It's amazing how glaringly awful our defense is when we don't have Demko standing on his head every night.

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