@Avalanche du Colorado

Makar est un gars honnête

Colorado Avalanche Cale Makar a fait savoir aux arbitres qu’il n’a pas trébuché à la chute et qu’il a simplement crevé un pneu tout seul pour empêcher Mathew Barzal de New York Islander d’entrer dans la surface de réparation.


  1. How could he do that?

    I sure hope the avs announcers aren't referring to how could Cale NOT lie and get a penalty called when it shouldn't have…

  2. Ovi did this earlier in the year. It’s really good to see this from Makar too. A trend worth spreading.

  3. As a fan of the islanders, this is that one rare time that I actually am happy on the opposing team, Makar wasn’t greedy to give them a power play

  4. Maker says its not a penalty, announcers still playing homer.

  5. A trend worth spreading..really lol you need better refs. And more tricks like that to win the game 😆

  6. Rangers fan here, this is good sportsmanship. Even though it would have given them the powerplay Makar knew it wouldn't be fair. That's called empathy, how would you feel if your team is shorthanded because of something you didn't even do?

  7. His team was probably pissed they didn’t get the Power play but this is an alpha move for sure.

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