@Kings de Los Angeles

Sénateurs @ Kings 27/11/21 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Sénateurs d’Ottawa aux Kings de Los Angeles


  1. okay we lost but at least we were not the ones wearing those ridiculous shiny helmets

  2. I think it’s time melnyk sells the team or at least gets rid of dorion. What a joke. Will they even get double digits in the W column?

  3. Those sliver Kings helmets are distracting from the on ice action. Makes the Kings look as if they all have very large heads. Plz go away sliver helmets

  4. Damn, seems like the Sens are playing far worse than last season. Maybe they will bounce back and with a full 82 game season make the playoffs

  5. Finally got a win during this home stand. But, the Hockey Guy is right, those helmets make the Kings look like Cylons. LoL. GKG!

  6. Why the shiny helmets, I thought we learned from Vegas that this wasn’t a good idea

  7. So many Senators fans crying on twitter, like Brady Tkachuk isn't a dirty player. YOU SENS FANS ARE ALL A BUNCH OF CLOWNS ENJOY IRRELEVANCY YOU BUMS. GO KINGS GO! we are smoking that Sens pack tonight.

  8. WTF is this… The NHL should step in and say no to these dumb helmets!! Just like Vegas is a no for me…

  9. Ya know, those helmets might be cool if they weren’t a straight up copy of the Knight’s gold version. And just in case it was the Kings that did it first…just switch the teams. Point is…one team is enough. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  10. Can't wait to see the Kings play the Knights and all are blinded because all we see are glittery sparkles everywhere.

  11. How the f can a goalie stop a puck when you crash straight into the him. NHL sucks. Make up your mind on the ruling

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