@Blackhawks de Chicago

Pourquoi échanger Zach LaVine en ce moment n’aurait aucun sens pour les Bulls | NBC Sports Chicago

Dans cet épisode de Unfiltered, David Kaplan est rejoint par Rob Schaefer et KC Johnson pour discuter des récentes luttes des Bulls. Ils discutent de qui est à blâmer pour le récent effondrement des Bulls, si les Bulls vont commencer à bouger, qui devrait être la première pièce déplacée et plus encore. Dans cet épisode de Unfiltered, David Kaplan est rejoint par Dave Wannstedt pour récapituler la défaite des Bears lors de la semaine 15 contre les Eagles. Plus tard, Rob Schaefer et KC Johnson rejoignent David Kaplan pour discuter de la saison des luttes des Bulls et s’il est temps de faire exploser l’équipe. https://www.youtube.com /c/NBCSportsChicago?sub_confirmation=1 ✔️ Abonnez-vous à nos podcasts : https://www.nbcsportschicago.com/podcasts ✔️ Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter All-Access Daily : https://nbcsportschicago.com/newsletter ✔️ Téléchargez l’application MyTeams : https://bit.ly/MyTeamsApp NBC Sports Chicago sur les réseaux sociaux ► Suivez sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nbcschicago/ ► Aimez sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NBCSChicago ► Suivez sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/NBCSChicago ► Suivez sur TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@nbcschicago 🎧 Écoutez nos podcasts : 🥅 Blackhawks Talk : https://link.chtbl.com/BlackhawksTalk 🏀 Bulls Talk : https://link.chtbl.com/BullsTalk 🧢 Cubs Talk : https://link.chtbl.com/CubsTalk 🏈 Under Center : htt ps://link.chtbl.com/UnderCenter ⚾ White Sox Talk : https://link.chtbl.com/WhiteSoxTalk La page YouTube officielle de NBC Sports Chicago. Domicile des Chicago Bulls, des Chicago White Sox et des Chicago Blackhawks. Nous connectons les fans avec les équipes qu’ils aiment. La couverture de NBC Sports Chicago comprend : NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, Chicago Cubs et Chicago Bears. Les programmes originaux de NBC Sports Chicago incluent : Football Aftershow, Unfiltered with David Kaplan, The Rush, Under Center Podcast, Blackhawks Talk Podcast, Bulls Talk Podcast, Cubs Talk Podcast et White Sox Talks Podcast. Visitez https://NBCSportsChicago.com pour les derniers flux en direct, les scores, les après-matchs et plus encore, le tout au même endroit. Pourquoi échanger Zach LaVine en ce moment n’aurait aucun sens pour les Bulls | NBC Sports Chicago https://www.youtube.com/NBCSportsChicago


  1. Would Tibbs accept this type of effort HELL NO but BD refuses to hold these guys accountable. Tibbs would have SAT everyone until they decided to play D but not BD

  2. I’m glad Kap is saying everything we’re thinking, especially about spending money in the luxury tax

  3. Kap is right on spending money. It would absolutely make solving most of these issues easier.

  4. I say who cares at this point. Trade every single one of them and build from scratch at this point. Get guys that want to be there and are willing to play hard at all times and defend worth a damn. You're not seeing any of that out of this current roster. Sorry but that's the truth. Unless Bulls send a clear and direct message and set a high standard of expectations, nothing will change. Hasn't changed since title number 6.

  5. Looking at Sacramento I kinda wish the bulls had got Mike Brown especially with his coaching track record with GSW.

  6. But a big move is coming both need to make some big changes and they need to make them very soon I see them trading Levine and I also see them firing Billy Donovan if things continue to be this bad somebody' got to pay the price but I honestly think it will be treated with me he's obviously showing that he's not the player the bulls need for the future good player but not consistent enough doesn't play defense at all bulls need a player who so ready to lead this team

  7. The Bulls have a recent history of disrespecting the fans. Game 6 vs the Cavs in the 2015 playoffs. Games 3&4 last year vs Milwaukee. When this group loses their confidence, they play like they DGAF, and just want to go home. AKME should have seen this and scrapped the plan for continuity. Given how last season ended, the results this year have been predictable

  8. I normally agree with KC but this time he's off by a mile. The Bulls have been struggling since Jan of 2022. It's almost Jan 2023. Time to admit retooling doesn't work. Retooling has the Bulls losing the same amount of games as Gar/Pax did building through the draft had. Trade Zach LaVine. Acquire size in the frontcourt and a floor general for their backcourt in return. The Bulls shouldn't be looking for an All Star in return for Zach. Just a rising young player who'll fit with the Ayo, P. Will and hopefully Coby timeline. Zach is in the way of team progress. And to think we'll have to endure 4 more yrs of this from Zach.

  9. Look the Bulls got veteran talent. These are the same players who last year put winning back into Chicago. The problem is coaching. Billy wants to always play small ball against the odds. Take the game against the Hawks. There was 0.05 seconds left in the game and what did Billy do? He allowed the Hawks to make the only play possible happen. A Cinderella lob toward the basket. Any half of a coach would have put all his bigs at the rim to defend against the lob. Instead Billy put a small ball line up to defend against players instead of the lob! Take Billy Donovan out the game for a while and I'm certain the Bulls will start to win games again. All these so call insiders and commentators need to stop protecting Donovan and put the blame on his lack of good game time decision making.

  10. Ride the ship what is there to ride????Lonzo aint coming back till next year maybe??I dont see them suddenly playing defensive Zach still passive on D filling empty states,Vuch still not playing d not even being the stretch big we need,Demar is doing his thing but it comes at a price of Iso ball and hes still doesnt play defense,Just blow it easier said than done but better than now being middle of pack and at best a 2nd round exit in the playoffs billy can get fired too he has no identity with this team and they clearly dont buy in too him

  11. If they don't make any trades you wait a while probably won't nobody want to players they have

  12. Number one problem with the bulls they need a coach secondly they need a consistent three-point shooter

  13. Since we can't fire the coach, I believe we need to trade Zach or DeMar. They can't play together and by moving one of them PWill can start to get a bigger role on offense. PWill will never reach his potential with Zach and DeMar here.

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