@Sabres de Buffalo

Kevyn Adams obtenant un 1er, 2e et Hagg pour Risto est équivalent en impressionnant à Tage marquant 5 buts

Kevyn Adams obtenant un 1er, 2e et Hagg pour Risto est équivalent en impressionnant à Tage marquant 5 buts



  1. UncleOrton

    Will never fault Risto for his effort but it’s no coincidence what direction we’re heading vs the Flyers

  2. Timotheus2443

    I always liked Risto, he gave everything he had for the team during some atrocious seasons and never really complained. Getting that return for him though, that’s the stuff of legend.

  3. slightlyuglyboss

    How does Chuck Fletcher still have his job?

  4. Tactial_snail

    wow… i never would’ve guessed that doesn’t even have a point

  5. andyouarenotme

    All hatred aside, he’s a career 40+ point per season defensemen. Getting zero points out of him just highlights a terrible system.

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