@Rangers de New York

Faits saillants de la LNH | Rangers contre Penguins – 20 décembre 2022

Sidney Crosby a inscrit un but et une aide pour mener les Penguins de Pittsburgh à une victoire serrée de 3-2 contre les Rangers de New York lors d’un match revanche de leur série éliminatoire de 2022.


  1. Let's go, Pens! Thought NYR was going to come back and tie it up in the last minute, though. I'm probably going to see Kreider's first goal Thursday as a Dang-It, since it bounced off Petterson.

  2. KHABIB smesh Connie MCTAPPER chicken 29-0 tap tap tap 🤣🐓🐓🐓

  3. that was some BAD reffing. shame wes mccauley was involved and didnt make some calls he shouldve. refs need a reset

  4. it was a great game and the Rangers let up too many PP's that cost them but that was no doubt a trip on Mika they missed at the end there. That 100% needs to be called every time.

  5. rangers scared to play pitt in the playoffs I bet lol

    scaredy little rangers lol

  6. Didn't show the play of the games by the ref on the trip in the last minute on mika.

  7. These refs need to be investigated. How many times are they going to miss blatant calls on the Penguins? It's F'n ridiculous.

  8. Pens got lucky rangers hit 4 posts and the refs not so good

  9. Да уж Питтсбург, это не Чикаго. И если в том матче фаны рейнджеров неиствовствали количеству шайб, то уже сегодня другая картина маслом. И лучший вратарь прошлого сезона( Шестёркин) в очередной раз не помог.

  10. Man it’s already 3 past Igor……..guess it is true when they say time flies when you’re having fun

  11. Noticed you left out the blatant trip on Zibanejad’s breakaway that went uncalled….

  12. So the refs missed a tripping call. Big deal, it doesn't even begin to make up for the non-calls on Trouba's elbow to Sid's head, intentionally ripping a helmet off a player's head, boarding Rodrigues, etc., last playoffs.

  13. Я думаю фанаты Пингвинов рады что Женьку оставили в команде 👍 и в последнее время стал следить за Кросби, пристальнее так сказать, играет он конечно же мощно 👍

  14. Rangers much better than the Pens, lucky breaks which always help, helped the Pens out. But in a 7-game series I wouldn't worry about the Pens if I'm the Rangers.

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