@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Travis Konecny ​​des Flyers va d’un océan à l’autre pour marquer un mauvais revers

Regardez l’attaquant des Flyers de Philadelphie Travis Konecny ​​ramasser la rondelle de son côté, remonter la glace et se traîner les orteils autour de la défense des Blue Jackets de Columbus avant de marquer un but du revers pour son deuxième de la soirée.


  1. first a college campus, now the NHL puts a rink in a library ? pretty bold move i gotta say

  2. I remember Konecny playing AAA Minor midget hockey. You knew he had a good future. Too bad he’s never been able to show his talents on a top team.

  3. What hockey player TK is! It's interesting that the man that's the best player, has the most courage, brings it every night, leads by example, plays a 200ft game and is the most fierce competitor doesn't wear the C or an A. I suspect the media will rationalize describe this too and desfribe it as "brilliant". As a Hockey fan first and Sens fan 2nd I will never understand what the hell the brain trust in Ottawa saw in White's game they couldn't find in Konecny. I loved his play in Junior (67s) where he was their best player and Captain and one of tye Leagues leaders in spite of playing on the worst team. He didn't have stars plying on his line.

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