@Lightning de Tampa Bay

RÉACTION D’APRÈS-MATCH : Lightning de Tampa Bay contre les Maple Leafs de Toronto, le 20/12/22.

Le Lightning de Tampa Bay s’est incliné mardi face aux Maple Leafs de Toronto. Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef Jon Cooper parler de la défaite. 0:00 – Jon Cooper #NHL #TampaBayLightning #BallySportsSun


  1. Is it that difficult to give your opponent credit? Maybe admit you got out played in every aspect of the game?!

    My favourite part was when he said the leafs are the exact same team as they have been in the past. Anyone that follows the leafs whatsoever or has seen them play as of late, knows they’re a different team…

    Whether that remains throughout the seasons entirety is another story.

  2. Fuck you cooper. Your team can't beat the Leafs without the officials' help. You didn't get your sweetheart calls tonight and the real Lightning showed up. Oh, but you still got away with plenty, but you were DOMINATED tonight. Don't worry, I'm sure the officials will be nicer to you again, the league's been sucking Tampa's dick for the last 3 years, if not longer.

  3. He sure is full of himself isnt he had nothing to do with coming to toronto early dummy its called being outplayed

  4. John cooper is always a sore loser. He's always so respectful and classy when he wins or in the pre game but as soon as he loses it's just whining.

  5. I mean he's not wrong.. and I'm a leafs fan. That was by far the worst lightning performance I've seen in quite some time

  6. What a such fucking prick jon cooper is… I can't wait for the playoffs and have revenge when the leafs eliminate them in the 1st round !!!

  7. Never expected him to give any credit to the Leafs and nobody should expect it. But he did give credit to Toronto for being a great party city. One of the best club and bar scenes in NA 😂

  8. I love this. Stirring it up. Giving no credit. He knows they are 1st round opponents again and maybe for a few more years to come. He’s not gonna let the Leafs enjoy this regardless of what happens. Blow it off like they beat themselves and hopefully the leafs quietly look at it and say ya we won but Tampa didn’t show up. We didn’t beat them they beat themselves. I hope Sheldon and the boys are quick enough to dismiss the comments as gamesmanship and just an attempt to set in some self doubt in that Leaf room.

  9. I mean its also the same exact lightning team the leafs have played against and same style but older players…🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  10. This guys a joke. You were lucky to win the first game and you got dominated like you belong in the AHL the next game. Cooper is a fucking clown and i can't wait til someone makes him eat their shit.

  11. You don’t go out there & pump the tires of an opposing team. Especially not one that you might meet in the playoffs.

    That being said, I think he’s right on target. His team didn’t show up the way two time cup champs should.

  12. Let him keep thinking this is the same team as last year/years prior. If he prepares his team for in April for the same team, they’re gone in 5/6 games. Every metric going shows how stout the Leafs have been defensively. And the pool of depth to draw from is MUCH larger than any other year. Let him sleep on the Leafs

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