@Panthers de la Floride

L’un des plus grands entraîneurs des séries éliminatoires de hockey à l’avoir jamais fait. Merci de nous enseigner vos voies.

L’un des plus grands entraîneurs des séries éliminatoires de hockey à l’avoir jamais fait. Merci de nous enseigner vos voies.



  1. aaronthebursar

    I bet his glasses aren’t even real. Fucking loser

  2. There are also reasons the hire is strange: Maurice also has the most regulation losses of any coach in NHL history, has missed the Cup playoffs far more often than he has made them, has only been to the Stanley Cup Final once and the NHL Conference Finals twice, and never won a championship.

  3. Adam-the-gamer

    Fun Fact: Paul Maurice holds the record for “Most Losses By An NHL Coach” with 695 (the number as of tonight).

  4. dynamojoe

    This can’t be playoff hockey because you have to win four of every seven to advance and the cats have only done that three times this season.

  5. eadie30

    Such a bargain barrel hire bc we’re a poverty franchise and always will be. I feel so bad for Barkov

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