@Canucks de Vancouver

Jeff Paterson sur les problèmes des Canucks à domicile et la rétrogradation de jeunes joueurs

L’hôte de Rink Wide, Jeff Paterson, s’est joint aux gars pour donner un sens au mauvais bilan à domicile des Canucks et à la rétrogradation de jeunes joueurs à Abbotsford.


  1. 62 years old never seen the Cup
    Been a Nucks Fan since the start
    They always break my heart
    Hope for the future? Very very little.
    How in the Hell can the Kraken already be so much better?
    The nucks can't even tank properly.
    Let's be honest.
    The Canucks will never, ever win the cup.( in my lifetime at least)
    Prove me wrong.
    I sure wish I was.
    But I have lost all hope for this bunch of bums.

  2. Sell the team!
    Sell the team!
    Sell the team!
    Clown franchise owed by one of the biggest! We're a playoff team! Really looks like it🤡 and only a clown owner would want 2 playoff home dates instead of competing for a cup

  3. Fish stink from the head. Management/Leadership sucks… Everything else will suck no matter who you got.

  4. May be Canucks' wives and girlfriend nags them too much after they return home!

  5. I love how this comment section is a bunch of 60 year olds whining about never getting a cup

  6. Might be the inspirational native message about this is their land every home game. How can you be pumped up choking down that woke garbage.

  7. 170lbs players are the problem
    200lbs tough guys that can't throw.
    Goalies with issues
    Locker room issues
    Players with last year in contract, only playing good in last year to cash out. I would of kept tanev and edler.

  8. Canucks are afraid of getting hit by an anvil wrapped in a sweater thrown on the ice at Rogers.

  9. putting all the young players on abbotsford so they can develop together makss sense with the tire fire that is the canucks at least they will be in a winning atmosphere. Now they need to blow the rest up Load up the draft picks and more young players and build in 2 years they are back on track. They wont progress if they keep stumbling through the season like this. Maybe thats the strategy.

  10. This franchise is a train wreck. Having Pods toiling in the minors after a decent second half last year is asinine.

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