@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Ajoutons « maths » à la liste des choses pour lesquelles Bally est nul

Ajoutons « maths » à la liste des choses pour lesquelles Bally est nul



  1. ftr_trader

    Looks incorrect

    Source: am mathematician

  2. -GuyDudeman-

    This should be data-fed with data from SportRadar. Let me double-check this.

    *edit: So this is what NHL.com has for his stats: https://i.imgur.com/48Br1pf.jpg

    I don’t have access to SportRadar’s database at the moment.

    But it’s entirely possible that this was just operator error. It happens. Sorry about that. We’re all just human.

  3. AnotherCotton

    Some intern hit the -1 instead of +1 to his assists.

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