@Canucks de Vancouver

Faits saillants de la LNH | Canucks contre Oilers – 23 décembre 2022

Bo Horvat et JT Miller ont tous deux marqué deux buts tandis que Collin Delia a effectué 31 arrêts pour aider les Canucks de Vancouver à remporter la victoire sur les Oilers d’Edmonton 5-3.


  1. Mcdavid fell on his own on that breakaway btw. The Edmonton casting crew was crying hard about that one.

  2. Молодцы касатки, с 0-2 проснулись и перевернули игру

  3. Am i the only one annoyed that McDavid can decide what stick to use? Guy switches between supertacks and jetspeed every other game.

  4. Ok where’s that guy replying to my comment last week about a Canucks cleaning house. Where you at?

  5. По началу игры казалось что нефтяники победят. Но нет. Касатки просто молодцы!!!

  6. The Edmonton crowd looked so sure of them self after the 2nd goal that this was goin to be a rutine game for them, its just an observation. =)

  7. Oilers need to trade for some defensemen. They have no ability to protect a lead whatsoever. They either just have to trade goals until they win basically.

  8. I'd like to thank Ken Holland for proving again he is the most overrated GM of the past 30 years. He won cups in Detroit with 3 generational players, unlimited funds, no cap and the only real European scouting dept the league had.

    Once the cap came in and those players were gone he never left the 2nd round save for Edmonton last year. And he's made Edmonton worse with his stupid moves. Nurse contract? Nuge contract? terrible, terrible, terrible!

  9. Касатки,красаучики!!Обломать Мака и Зайтля у них дома!!!Был бы я Илон Маск,снял бы для всей команды Ванкувера лучших проституток))

  10. If only I stayed one more night in Edmonton I would've seen the game live tonight damn, what a comeback 👏good game guys ✌

  11. Nurse is simply the most overrated, grossly paid contract on the oilers if not the league.
    He’s the anchor that’ll be impossible to get rid of!

  12. So the Oilers just got their asses kicked at home by the tire fire -Canucks? I sense a mild circular wind carrying some well seasoned excrement brewing in Edmonton.

  13. Михеев молодец , исправился за свой косяк, важный гол забил. Но каков Макдэвид, не перестаю восхищаться.. Как он в два шага отрывается, хотя вроде вровень катились..

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