@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers d’Edmonton doivent cibler Jakob Chychrun

Le fanatique des Oilers jette un œil à Jakob Chychrun. #Oilers #LetsGoOilers #JakobChychrun


  1. Is he fit in the locker room and at what cost ? Definitly the best bang for the buck if the asking price is not crazy. Fortunately the media doesn’t make the trades. Agree two defensive dmen are desperately required. Keep the vids rolling.

  2. I don’t feel like we need too give up 2 first rounders and some prospect for chychrun…

  3. I don't think Holland has any interest in Chychrun. The problem is that I don't think he has any interest in trading Broberg and a 1st. That's the price to pay to get a guy like him. Chychrun health is a concern but Edmonsun is not any different nor Broberg who is injured twice this year. Chychrun can help take some of those minutes from Nurse. We'll see what happens next.

  4. They need to cut down the big 2 ice time they look exhausted baby the third period

  5. You don't do a draft pick trade with Edmonton if you can make the same trade with a lower ranked team. I think that the overall sentiment is that the Oilers are probably underachieving right now and will likely finish second in the division, behind Las Vegas. Chycrun for Campbell might be a better potential for both teams. We all know Campbell is underachieving. Believe it or not, Edmonton fans, there are worse managed teams in the league than The Oilers, and we're talking Arizona here.

  6. Holland should be pulling the trigger on Chychrun right away! In January or February the interest in him will get higher and the Coyotes will be asking for even more as time is running out! Stop stalling and grab him before there is a silent auction on him! Grab Edmunson as well! Borgeault? They just want French speaking players on the Canadiens. so that will most likely what it will take to get him but maybe do a Edmunson for Borgeault and a prospect from Canadiens. Then flip the prospect as well as a first round draft pick from Edmonton for Chychrun! That's doable imo

  7. The only problem I have is how much would you have to give up. I'd Ottawa is having troubles pulling the trigger on a deal what do you think it will cost us to get him

  8. the oilers are pretending to not like Chicrun. Its strategic. Maybe they will take a back up of a back up goalie that only makes 5m a year for 5 years.

  9. This defense problem needed to be addressed in the summer. We all saw this defensive breakdown coming.

  10. i am a chycrun trade supporter. a Dman would have to go, probably like bouch or broberg plus a first. i don't think zona would be interested in Barry. they want to tank, not improve their powerplay. They might take kulak. i read that chycrun can play right or left D, so that might work out ok. but the money has to work, and i'm certain that can be massaged. if the oil give a first and a young dman, i think it works. Absolutely do it. r
    e Ekholm, that guy is a beast and if a trade could be made for him i'd no prob get him on the roster. tough, physical, puck mover, offensively talented … what's not to like? i wonder what it would take? if it could be done, i think he'd be my first choice after watching him last night. 6 mill contract is pretty reasonable for what he brings to the table. he'd be on our first pairing for certain.

  11. The loss of crucial points over the past 3 highly winnable games will come back to haunt the Oilers later in the season. We now clearly see how tight the standings are in the Pacific. We were considerably out in front of Calgary. Now Calgary has made up the ground they needed. To add salt to the wound everyone else is beating St. Louis and Anaheim. Not to mention we literally owned the Predators up until the last contest. As it stands you lose 3 in a row at this time of year you'll need to string together 6 consecutive wins to stay in the playoff race. The last 3 losses were far more critical than what most Oiler fans might realize. That said, the way things are unraveling for the Oilers, it's highly unlikely they will string together 6 consecutive wins. There's always 1 or 2 sections in the 82 game schedule where you run into a string of teams where you can make up ground and put points back in the bank. The Oilers did not take advantage of that opportunity when they had the chance. Now they'll be lucky if they get out of Dallas with a point, which means potentially 4 consecutive losses. The Oilers are in serious trouble, because it looks like they refuse to change their on ice habits or incapable of doing so. The core group is an unteachable group. They are not learning anything their coaching staff is trying to teach them. I refuse to believe Woodcroft and Manson are complete morons. You have to look at the players who are the unteachable morons. And the #1 moron is Darnell Nurse. It all starts and ends with Nurse. Followed by Jack Campbell. Followed by the rest of the pack excluding Conner, Leon, Hyman and Nuge. Then there is Holland who refuses to do what it takes to win a cup now. He'd prefer to retire, drink his Pina Coladas in his back yard, and brag 5 years from now that he drafted, or developed that player or this player. If Holland gave a shit about winning the cup today, he would make any unconventional, unheard of move, whatever it takes to win it today for Conner and Leon and let the next GM worry about the next 3,4, 5 years. Holland can keep playing the long game, but mark this post, Holland will be the first to go if the Oil miss the playoffs this year as he's had every opportunity after every opportunity to rebuild his defense since this past summer and never did it. We can blame the players, the defense, the coaching staff, but the buck starts and stops with Holland. Either no GM likes him, wants to deal with him, or he's arrogant enough to think he can fleece every GM in the NHL. Whatever the case is, Holland is the #1 problem with the organization. Holland should have been on the phone doing a deal with Jesse the day after the Oilers were knocked out last year while Jesse's ticket was hot. Instead he uses cap space to keep an unproductive player around. Nurse's game alone will be a major contributing factor to sink the Oilers which in turn will ultimately get Holland fired. Holland's days are numbere if he doesn't make the trades (plural) and decisions it takes balls to make. Sitting back, putting on his poker face daily with other GMs, and playing it safe is killing valuable time and potentially destroying any chance this team has to winning the cup….THIS YEAR!!

  12. This is the last time I'm going to say anything about defense system ! Oilers need a new defense system and its not the players ! New defense coaches, New defense system. Thank you Patrick for your YouTube channel and letting me scream and blow off steam and now I enjoy watching the Oilers ! Merry Christmas Patrick 💯👍🏾🇨🇦🎉🎉

  13. What happened to Woodcroft's initial defensive, working as a 5 man unit, mindset, that he had when he first came up into this system and wanted to implement a "strong spine" with 97, 29, 93, down the middle. Do such, and get them to center their own lines. Not sure of what the lines would look like, but figure that out in the long run, and benefit off of each line buying into a defensive system with it centered around those 3. Also, why wait until the deadline on Chychrun? The price isn't going to come down. Go out and get the help NOW, and let him gel with the boys until the playoffs, if they make it. People speak of Gavrikov, but CBJ are wanting more of a return then they got with Savard, which was a 3rd AND A 1st. Just pay the 1st, and Broberg, and give another 1st if it means them retaining 50%, which they said they would do. And have 2 MORE YEARS OF A CAPHIT OF < $2.5 fucking million. WAKE UP. GET THE BETTER GUY!!!

  14. No, they really really don't. He's not the right D man for us. We actually need D, not offense. Please folks, stop the stupid. Focus on what's missing not the shiny new (but frequently breaks down and is expensive) box. Back to bed rest for me. Take care all.

  15. Problem is the Oilers' ownership/ management has put them in their current crippled position (and for many years now). And so other teams know their desperation and can easily play hardball with them in as far as making deals. Oilers have the top 2 players in the league so no team will be willing to help them unless they receive something really good in return. It's sooo sad the Oilers management really sucks.

  16. With Holland as gm oilers won't do noing till the trade deadline Holland thinks this team can do the same as last year he needs to be fire bring in a gm that knows what they are doing

  17. If they take someone like Kesselring which is a great prospect, a 2nd which can be upgraded to a 1st if he plays over 20min on average a game. Based on the relief needed to our first pair and also the perceived value he's supposed to bring I'd say look, if he misses no more than 5 games the rest of the season and the playoff games without missing more than 2-3 then we'll upgrade you to a 1st in 2023, BUT if he can't reach these reasonable expectations for someone that you want Broberg and a 1st then it's no bueno. Unlikely they'd go for it, but if Chychrun can be healthy and perform as expected exactly then I have no issue the problem is he has injury history and I wouldn't want to commit to a 1st unless he's actually going to live up to expectations of playing the majority of a season and playoffs. It's a reasonable response and they (Coyotes) need to decide if they believe Chychrun is glass or durable. If they latter then they can get the deal they want they just have to wait until closer to the draft to know the results. If they don't believe in Chychrun being durable then they won't even remotely consider it.

    Also if they went for this deal I'd even be happy to toss in a 4th in 2024 just because tbh I'd be so happy if this deal worked out as hoped.

  18. nurse needs to play less minutes or he gets fatigued and his 9 mil contract looks even worse! 29 has been giving the puck away to much lately also. he needs to drive his own line!! i agree its time to win now and if we need to give up something like a 1st and prospect lets do it. Goooo time…..

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