@Bruins de Boston

David Pastrnak contrôle illégal à la tête de pénalité contre Gustav Forsling

Téléchargé par Alyssa Hope Channel Lien : https://www.youtube.com/c/AlyssaHope Alyssa Hope Twitter : @_alyssa_hope Tous les droits vont à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. That's one big inconsistency right there. Check the Reaves on Hronek hit. Reaves destroy Hronek with his shoulder to the head, leading to a potencial career ending injury – no penalty, everybody agrees that it's Hronek's fault for not knowing someone wants to nail his head, caught in a weird leaning position. Now look at this. Only difference here is that Forsling didn't look around and got hit by Pasta's shoulder to his chin, because of his weird position. Yet this is penalty and that one wasn't.

  2. As i have said many times, BOSTON is place RATS. 0 respect on Pastarnak…hope some 1 hits him so hard that ratness leaves him.
    and 2nd thing… only 2 min ? whatta fucking joke

  3. The main point of directed contact is the opponent’s head as Pasta swung his shoulder through the motion. Definitely a penalty.

  4. Not a single original Jack comment in here. These bums are letting me down. Same stroke, alcohol blah blah blah. Fucking boring. Haters aren’t even hating well anymore. They just use the same re-hashed ass comment from videos prior.

  5. Wow.. next they'll give away power plays to every idiot that tries ducking a hit. When your head is less than 4 feet off the ice, your head will probably get hit in every check. Ridiculous.

  6. So who on Florida took revenge by cutting Pasternak with a stick? Anyone? Who sent a message to him that said next time you will get a broken shoulder? Anyone? No one? Well then expect it to happen again.

  7. Jack Edwards announcing like it's a satellite delay from the planet Neptune…. as usual. Guy must be off his bean on pills, 24/7.

  8. Dudes face kind of touched Pastrnak's shoulder after contact, but Pastrnak hit him in the shoulder, lol. This was clean.

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