@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Le vainqueur des prolongations de Nylander porte les Leafs à 50 pts

L’attaquant des Maple Leafs William Nylander vole la rondelle et l’emmène jusqu’au bout, battant Jordan Binnington pour donner à Toronto la victoire de 5-4 en prolongation sur les Blues


  1. Glad they won but it Should of been 4 minute penalty with 3.5 minutes left for that axe swing on Aston-Reese.

  2. Get Slug Tavares, Cowerd Engvall and Goof-Ego Kerfoot off the team!

  3. Remember when everyone was complaining about this guy and his contract? They're pretty quiet these days.

  4. The beauty of the Nylander goal was that it wasn't just by chance that he took the puck away from Tarasenko but that he initiated the thievery. Watch the play closely. Nylander taps Tarasenko's stick on the right hand side forcing Tarasenko to pull the puck back out of harms way… wrong… that put the puck right where Nylander wanted it right within his reach on the left hand side. Now a little tap pushing the puck forward and put on the jets and the rest is history.

  5. What is most impressive about this overtime is that the Leafs play a lot of defense this period. They started out with a highly defensive group of players – something that has really worked instead of starting Matthews or Tavares. But you see so many defensive plays where St. Louis really can't get a good shot at all. Even just before the play where Nylander nicks the puck, Matthews dove and put his stick on the ice to prevent anything from happening.

    Contrast this with overtimes in October, and they would usually start Tavares, who is too slow for 3-on-3 overtime and gets run over, or they would start Matthews who usually does some fancy play that coughs up the puck to lose the game. That's the kind of braindead stuff they would do in the playoffs.

    But not so much the last few overtimes. Keefe has really changed the OT plan the last few times to something far more safer. They just play defense until the other team makes a mistake. It's been working. Reminds me Tampa to be honest.

  6. I have been a fan of this lad since day one he will be worth more then his weight in gold soon

  7. Started the last few seasons hating Nylander. I've warmed up to him. But he needs to get his hands dirty and fight in the corners, take hits, ect. Mathews and Marner take hits to make plays, there is no reason willy can't.

  8. Nylander is not a SuperStar…he's not the Best Sniper out there… but he definitely is a GameBraker!!! Within 82 Games he'll have about 10-15 Games where he's asleep… get some points in the rest… but elevate his play when the stakes are @ their highest!! If the Leafs manage to get past the 1st round… watch out for this guy!!!

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