@Rangers de New York

ça va bien se passer

ça va bien se passer



  1. Nuevayork22

    Scratching a guy who is near the top of the team in 5v5 points for a guy who has literally never scored a goal as a ranger after being shut out is quite the move.

  2. MrDabollBlueSteppers

    Gallant is a fucking terrorist

  3. FoghornLeghorn99

    Gallant sucks. I put an effort into liking him, but at this point nothing would make me change my mind except for a cup.

  4. Wesley__Willis

    the sooner Gallant is gone the better, but let’s not forget that Drury hired him and apparently approves of these prehistoric brain dead decisions

  5. MonsTangy27

    Blows my ducking mind that so much good will/feeling going into the X-mas break gets blown to fucking pieces immediately

  6. NotFoley

    Someone send Turk a clown costume, he should at least dress the part.

  7. guccikline

    Say whatever you want about Laf’s progress but sitting him for Blais is an absolutely insane move

  8. Nimrod_Baggins

    Is Gallant a double agent or something? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

  9. CalifanoCation

    I fucking knew it man. This god damn franchise never ceases to amaze me in the shittiest ways

  10. obvioussponge06

    Yeah because he’ll develop so much more consistency in the press box

  11. SpaceBass18

    Downvote me all you want, I’m happy with this decision. He has not been playing well, and players shouldn’t be awarded for playing like shit. Yes I get it, Blais is in and he sucks so why is he playing etc. etc. The two issues aren’t equivalent. This is a one game thing, so let’s take ourselves off the ledge. His development won’t be “ruined” as a result of being scratched one game. I’m sure Laf knows this as much as the next person, but going out into the ice to do some light cardio isn’t acceptable.

  12. iiKrOna

    Idk how to feel anymore I’m just fucking numb to it at this point

  13. septembers-very-own

    If I’m a young forward, why the fuck would I want to play for the New York Rangers?

  14. jerejeje

    Lafrenière is 3rd on the team in 5v5 points. Gallant is a fucking idiot for benching him. Quite literally 2 games ago he assisted on Kakko’s game winning goal vs the Islanders. This is so fucking stupid.

    Also I’ve said it a bunch, but Lafreniere has more even strength points than Lucas Raymond and Tim Stutzle. He’s perfectly in line with other young stars. His low point totals are entirely due to a lack of powerplay time and nothing else. Put him on PP1 with Panarin and Fox and you’d see his point totals skyrocket.

    Lucas Raymond has *9* even strength points this year. Laf has *16*. Yet you don’t see Detroit scratching Raymond. There’s a reason for that. Detroit knows how to develop their players. We clearly don’t.

  15. _Noah93

    Well this is an issue. Why is he coaching

  16. Zero-jiggler

    Gallant and Drury hell bent on turning a 5+ year window into less than 3. Scratching Laf for fucking Blais is mind-numbingly stupid. Without the kids, this team has no future, we will not win without them developing.

  17. Wesley__Willis

    …and by the way if I’m Lafreniere’s agent I am doing everything in my power to get him as far away from the New York Rangers organization as possible

  18. PaulSach

    Imagine thinking that Sammy Blais gives you a better chance to win a hockey game than Alexis Lafreniere.

    Imagine also being an NHL head coach and doing this.

    Imo this is a fireable offense.

  19. PeteyG89

    Blais doesn’t make the team any better…at all. Makes no sense. That Buch trade was absolutely atrocious.

  20. bourbonandgaming

    If we lose off with gallant to the nearest airport

  21. Stonewall30nyr

    Shit like this is a huge part of why the rangers haven’t developed top tier young talent in my lifetime

  22. I can understand the big picture frustration and there’s no denying Blais stinks, but this wouldn’t be an issue if Laf actually played well. Sure he has a few decent underlying numbers but can you point to one moment this season where he actually showed any assertiveness or made a true impact? Maybe getting benched for a game wakes him up.

  23. kvnklly

    Fuck off GG. Why dont you take a look at where the fuck kreider, and top 6 worthy vesey has been the past 2 weeks because despite over 16 mins per night (3+ mins more than laf per night) they both have less total points than laf. Thats also tied with fox and miller.

    FFS kreider has as many points in the last 2 weeks as fuckin goat

  24. So the coach who says he’s not here to develop but to win games decides to scratch the guy who’s 3rd on the team in points at 5v5 in order to play a guy who’s never scored a goal in an NYR uniform

    Great fuckin job

  25. Lafreniere and Kakko (to an extent) need to leave this dumb franchise to advance their careers.

  26. guyzieman

    When he said last night that any number of guys could sit after the last game but « we’ll see who does », the writing was on the wall that it would be a young guy. I’m not the biggest Laf believer yet but this is a garbage decision to sit him for 0 Goals Sammy Blais. The kids aren’t ever going to improve if they keep taking the brunt of the punishment.

  27. chefboyod

    Just posted this in the GDT but I’ll repost it here.

    Laffy is a playmaker. 77 assists in his last season in junior. I wonder how many different roles and places we’ll play him until we come to our senses and use him in the proper way?

    He’s not a two way forward, he’s not a grinder, give him the puck and let him drive the play like Panarin or Fox, that’s his role.

  28. Independent-Switch43

    Bahahahahahahahahahaha ohhhhh man. Is this real life?

  29. BarmyDevonian

    I can buy the 4th line demotion, but ffs healthy scratch is over the top. I think Laf comes back with fire like he did last year, but GG’s selectively benched rookies for poor games while vets have gotten a free pass. Improper enforcement of accountability is a good way to lose a locker room.

  30. TheIncredibleHork

    Similar to as was already stated, guy with 44 career points (17 goals) since 2017 is playing when a guy with a nice 69 career points (36 goals) since 2020 is sitting.

    Has Lafrenière been lighting it up lately? No. Is this just a disciplinary/give it more oomph thing? Maybe.

    Is Blais more suited to the 4th line than Lafrenière? Absolutely. Is Laffy better in the press box than on the 4th? I don’t think so.

  31. speedk0re

    hEs sEnDiNG a mEsSaGe!!!!111oneone

    GG is a fucking moron and I really hope talks about him getting canned heat up again.

  32. Big-Rabbit4050

    This is no laffing matter folks.

  33. Krille8008

    Say what you will, but Gallant has turned into David Quinn 2.0

  34. PurpleKevinHayes

    Hopefully this lights a fire under Laf’s ass so he actually starts to play better

  35. FourEyesWhitePerson

    Don’t like that one bit

  36. FourEyesWhitePerson

    Don’t like that one bit!

  37. dumberthenhelooks

    Sitting laf for one game isn’t a big deal. Having him play 10 games as a 4th liner is dumb. If you sit laf that’s ok as long as he comes back in the next game in a top 9 role. I personally don’t think blais has done anything this year to earn top 9 playing time and right now is probably the 4th best 4th liner we have.

    Again sitting laf for a game is fine. Relegating him to the 4th line is not

  38. PylonNYC

    Not sure if there is a more delusional fan base when it comes to prospects.

    Laff hasn’t even come close to living up to the hype of a #1 (projected the best #1 since McKinnon). From the eye test he’s a below average skater and everything else if average. And he clearly lacked effort on Tuesday night. If a scratch is what it takes to wake up him up, I’m all for it.

  39. BeesVBeads

    GG is pushing for those funemployment payments from Dolan.

  40. UnckeKunkel

    Gallant is piece of shit what will it take for this idiot to be fired already.

  41. ForDepth

    Didn’t Laf no show a practice? (Before the announcement)

  42. joeeoj20

    Holy shit with the bitching and moaning.

    Laf hasn’t been playing up to expectations, any points aside, his on ice play has been lack luster at best most nights.

    It’s sick that he has a lot of even strength points and all but how the fuck is the reaction for having him sit a game. It’s almost like maybe the thought is he could benefit from sitting a game and maybe give him a chance to gain a new perspective on things.

    It’s a single game in the middle of season, a season in which Laff hasn’t exactly been invaluable. At worst nothing changes, at best maybe it lights a fire under his ass.

    This place is such a reactionary cess pool sometimes.

  43. LaCroixEnema

    Idk if anything maybe this lights a fire under lafs ass. If I was a pro and say that I got benched for some dude who literally can’t play hockey, I’d be pretty determined to improve however I can and prove myself. I just wish it wasn’t tampa tonight…. I fucking hate them and their fans

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