@Blues de Saint-Louis

Mise à jour de Pierre LeBrun sur ROR et Vladi, deux UFA en attente, alors que nous nous dirigeons vers la nouvelle année.

Mise à jour de Pierre LeBrun sur ROR et Vladi, deux UFA en attente, alors que nous nous dirigeons vers la nouvelle année.



  1. STLBooze3

    As the season continues to progress and we stay mediocre, I can’t say I’d vote for us to stay put and add at the deadline. If we can get ROR on a reasonable 3 or 4 year extension, I’d entertain that. But if he is indicating he wants 5m+ then I think Doug, as he has with other aging captains, thanks him for his service and sends him on his way.

    However, it would kill me seeing ROR traded to the avs. I think if he’d go to Toronto, and *if* they’d get past the first round, he could be looked at as a savior. So that’d be cool. Vladi, love him, but he’s made it clear that his time here is done after this season.

  2. Mab_894

    Trade ROR to whoever gives back the most value. Idc if that means trading him to the Avs. Yeah I don’t like them very much but I want us to succeed (long term) more than I want the Avs to do poorly short term

  3. awildyetti

    The upside is that the guys that are emotionally going to be hard to let go got a cup with STL, so it’ll at least be a little easier letting go knowing where the club is heading. Definitely disagree on the market return on ROR tho.

  4. Tarasenko would want to play in NY. Send Lafreniere back and we will take a 2nd rounder to keep half of his salary.

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