@Islanders de New York

Dal Colle entre dans l’histoire de la Finlande

Michael Dal Colle vient d’entrer dans l’histoire en Finlande avec TPS Turku. Il a fait un superbe but contre son camp pour vider le filet et il a été marqué au gardien de but d’Ässät Niklas Rubin. Rubin est le 3e gardien de la Liiga à « marquer un but ». Lien vers la vidéo : [Dal Colle ”own goal”](https://twitter.com/porinassat/status/1608872779188674560?s=46&t=zciyQF5q4Et9C8zIgzJrbw)



  1. skrshawk

    I can’t imagine how it feels to be MDC, JHS, or any number of guys in that situation.

    The vast majority of people who play the game come nowhere near as close as they did to sticking in the NHL, and he just couldn’t. To get to that point, you have to be insanely good at the game, devoted your life to it. And then just fell that little bit short of being able to stick in a roster.

    The most he’s going to get for all that trouble is a lot of wear and tear on the body, a few years of a middle to upper middle class income, and a lifetime of remembering what glory smells like, but couldn’t taste or touch.

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