@Kraken de Seattle

Fil du jour – 31 décembre 2022

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[Questions on how to watch? See this TV/Streaming guide.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleKraken/comments/pvxh8a/kraken_tv_and_streaming_guide_where_you_can_watch/) **Allons-y Kraken !**


1 Comment

  1. skotywa

    Time to get down to brass tacks…

    Should Jones get the start on Sunday?

    If he gets the W should he get another rep before we throw Gru back in?

    How big of a difference in results (W-L-OTL) is needed before Jones « earns » the first choice spot (or is that impossible)?

    I feel like January is make-or-break time for the Kraken to have a legit chance at the playoffs this season. Every time I see Gru get the start, I expect to lose. With Jones and Daccord, I expect to win.

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