@Kraken de Seattle

McDavid avec TROIS passes décisives en 1ère

L’attaquant des Oilers Connor McDavid a amassé 3 points en 1re avec 3 passes contre le Seattle Kraken, donnant à Edmonton une avance de 4-0.


  1. Keep pounding them boys till the last buzzer dont let your foot off the gas

  2. It's first intermission. I'm an Oilers fan, so of course I think they'll still blow it.

  3. finished either 1st or 2nd in scoring the last 6 (going on 7) seasons. pretty good at hockey

  4. LOL! Connor has more points in 17 games than Marner did in 23 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  5. 35 pts in 17 games is just insane, especially considering how competitive the sport is today.

  6. You can be a Habs fan, a Leafs fan or else but if you love watching hockey, you can't ignore watching the McDavid's highlight show!

  7. The fact that the Oilers have McDavid and the kind of season he's having and they're still not in a playoff spot is a disgrace

  8. Why is Hextall still on the job @NHL? She just called Gourde Geekie multiple times on the same play

  9. McJesus if you readin this: Toronto don't like assists to choose awards… so go back to Scoring!! But it's ok no biggie you took the night off just dishing some assists!!

  10. It’s actually insane the pace he’s on. On EP website it says he’s on pace for 158 points in 82 games. Crazy. He’s gonna nearly have 100 before he hits 50gp

  11. Puliiarve or however ya spell it this kid needs to know he’s a beauty and an amazing nhl player don’t let slumps bring ya down

  12. You know what I just want too see more of the flames and the oilers I like too see the flames and the oilers those are my favourite games of the season to watch

  13. We are witnessing the rise of the greatest hockey player ever. Even the haters, enjoy 😉🤣🤣

  14. This guy is just ridiculous. I can't believe my eyes. He is treating the NHL in 2022 like its 1980. Whatever he's being paid is not even remotely close to being enough.

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