@Blackhawks de Chicago

Heritage Hat Games – italien, ukrainien, juif et grec mais pas polonais ? Chicago a la deuxième plus grande population polonaise après Varsovie. Ce qui donne?

Heritage Hat Games – italien, ukrainien, juif et grec mais pas polonais ? Chicago a la deuxième plus grande population polonaise après Varsovie. Ce qui donne?



  1. red5-standingby

    Just saw an email I got from them. I’m a first gen born here with polish refugee parents, grew up watching the hawks with my dad on our 13″ black and white TV. Not something to get angry about, but where’s the love?

  2. DiamondBurInTheRough

    They had one last year.

  3. Hoosier_816

    Jewish ≠ Israeli

    They should really have picked a better logo for that hat…

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