@Capitals de Washington

Ovechkin récidive !

Alex Ovechkin a réussi un tir serré pour donner aux Capitals de Washington une avance de 4-1 sur les Canadiens de Montréal. Avec son 24e de la saison, Ovechkin a maintenant le plus de buts en 39 matchs d’une saison pour un joueur de 37 ans ou plus.


  1. Do people not realize that Backstrom and Wilson havent played a game yet this season? Oshie has been in and out and Carlson is out rn too. This is looking like a deadly Caps team if they can get at least 2 of these guys healthy.

  2. Enjoy these goals, because in 20 – 30 years we are gonna have to sit through another generation of NHL noobs, saying that "all his goals were soft" and "goalies didnt know what they were doing back then" just like with what these losers say about Wayne's totals.

  3. Every goal this legend scores from now on is worthy of celebration. I hope everyone cheers him on as he pushes 895.

  4. Remember where supposed to hate this man cos media told us to😒

  5. As I’ve said before the players are legit just giving him the stats at this point. It’s beyond evident

  6. The Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Jose Canseco etc. of hockey. Ovecheatin. Put an * by his name

  7. Even as a diehard Habs fan, seeing Ovi in that jersey puts a smile on my face. Brings back memories of watching him in his early days in the league. Washington never should've abandoned this jersey IMO.

  8. It was painful to watch this game as a Habs fan but had to be happy for the Great 8. I want him to beat the Great One's record

  9. Who cares. Send him home to his buddy that is killing thousands of innocent people

  10. There is quite literally no way to defend against him. His primary plan is to sit in the face off circle and wait to unleash an unstoppable one-timer, and if that opportunity doesn’t show itself, he still has the amazing skill to get up close and score, or even rack in a few assists.

  11. I know he's the greatest player currently still playing, but you still gotta cover him at least lol

  12. One of the greatest power forwards to ever play the game.

  13. These are legendary goals. I'm glad that I've got to watch Ovechkin's whole career.

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