@Canadiens de Montréal

Owen Beck remplace Colton Dach dans Équipe Canada

Bonne nouvelle pour l’enfant ! Tellement mérité.



  1. musikalitee

    I’m kinda shocked; I really thought it would be Kidney. Happy either way, though 😀

  2. WhiteLightning416

    This makes me more excited for Canada games now

  3. Should have been on it from the start. Congrats kid! Defensive zone faceoffs just got a 10x boost.

  4. xc2215x

    Glad to see Owen Beck get that opportunity.

  5. NtBtFan

    sucks for Dach, but stoked to see Beck get in

  6. BridJrome

    So both Dach bros got injured at WJC.. sheesh. Hope he’s ok, happy for Beck as it’s deserved but should’ve never taken an injury for him to get on the team.

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