@Panthers de la Floride

Paul Maurice, Après-match des Panthers : Rangers de New York 5, Floride 3

Paul Maurice, Après-match des Panthers : Rangers de New York 5, Floride 3



  1. Duffleman0609

    Q: “What do you have to say about the PP 1/10.”
    A: “The second unit goes first”

    “I can’t explain the three penalties we took”

    His main reason, “We didn’t move the puck well at all, we had open people we continually put it at their feet. It’s like we got a capacity to work X amount and when we hit that capacity the rest of the game got away from us. »

  2. Ebergs94

    Hey guys he looks fucking miserable. Keep it up!

  3. fins831

    Jesus its like watching shaggy say it wasn’t me 100 f-n times.


    Edit – its

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