@Oilers d'Edmonton

Introduction à la date limite des transactions des Oilers d’Edmonton : un aperçu des cibles

Dans une nouvelle série intitulée Trade Deadline Primer, The Oilers Fanatic examinera les attaquants, la défense et le gardien de but des Oilers pour voir où se trouvent les ajustements, où se trouvent les trous et quels joueurs pourraient être mis à disposition comme appât commercial. Dans le dernier épisode de la série, nous examinons mes objectifs pour les Oilers d’Edmonton. #LetsGoOilers Introduction à la date limite commerciale des Oilers d’Edmonton : un regard sur l’avenir https://youtu.be/PHguMEuySHg Introduction à la date limite commerciale des Oilers d’Edmonton : un aperçu de la défense https://youtu.be/4oioff1ld30 https://youtu.be/IVKoY26bWTE


  1. I really do believe that Barrie needs to be moved. He is to unreliable in his own end and Bouchard needs to be on the power play. Manson would be awesome. I believe adding a top 4 defenceman that can play shutdown is the number 1 priority. Adding a goalie like holtby to pair with smith would be nice aswell. Just shouldn’t spend thru the roof for a guy that is most likely here for 1 yr

  2. Oilers have to trade Nuge and McDavid and Draisail to get better and Oilers need to look in the future.

  3. I would definitely get a shot with Mason. I think they should try to get Oleksiak from the Kraken. Trying to trade for Barrie as you say would be very difficult, since he is a liability in his own, whether it's 5 on 5 or in the powerplay. Holtby would be awesome, but the Stars are pushing for a playoff spot.

  4. Manson will be a great target! Barrie will be moved with a few sweetners to get him. He's the shutdown D-man we need if we ever want to make it past the 1st round. If we want to add a bottom 6 player without giving up much, Bastion is the guy to get, but If we want to make a big bottom-6 changeup, I see Greenway and Ryan Graves as great additions. Trade Kassian, Turris and possibly Ryan or Benson to get them. Both of them are big tough guys who can produce points. Now, Dallas does have a chance to take the wild card spot, and they don't want to give up just yet. Holtby is ofc the ultimate upgrade, but if Dallas makes it, then theres no chance. Keumper is an interesting choice though , and I'd go for him if available.

  5. A fantasy target trade would be with Lou and the Isles, Varlamov, Mayfield and beauvillier for Koskinen, Barrie and Yamamoto plus 2022 #1 pick and possibly a 2023 #3 pick.
    The Oil need more heavy d-men, if they are to make and stay in the playoffs, they should rotate 8 d and not worry so much about generating offense. Start playing punishing defense when the puck comes into their own zone. 5 d-men at 210lbs+ would go along way to establishing a pause in the oppositions attack, as it will also trickle back to better rush chances for Mcdavid and Draisaitl.

    The trade may also take the stress off of the team from the media for now so momentum can de gained on the playoff drive.

  6. If you ended up trying to scout the goalie I mentioned, you got to see another target instead. Magnus Hellberg is also a very good goalie, with a contract that is running out after the season.

  7. Good job, Patrick! Well thought out list and lots of good ideas for upgrades. What I like most is that you limited it to trades that actually have a chance of happening and not just someone's random fantasy.

    My thoughts – I think I'd be inclined to perhaps hold off on packaging up Benson and Samorukov a wee bit longer; especially Benson. I dunno why, I just get that vibe that he'd be the latest Oilers castoff to hit it big somewhere else. But then again, if you want quality, you've got to offer quality in return.

    The goalies – I agree; Husso would be great but it ain't happening. The fact is that he's slowly but surely nudging Binnington out of his #1 slot. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the Blues trade Binnington in the summer and re-sign Husso for themselves.

    The ideal situation for the Oilers going forward in net would be a solid, reliable 1A type guy; not necessarily a star but not too old or too expensive, who could be with us for 2-4 years and mentor Skinner (or someone like him) and could easily handle 1/2 to 2/3 of the work load. Kuemper or Holtby fit that profile perfectly though I'd say neither deal will be easy.

    The Kuemper deal is predicated solely on the Avs being able to land Fleury and that's by no means a certainty and as you say about the Stars. as long as they're in the playoff hunt, Holtby ain't a-goin' nowhere.

    All together though, it does set up a number of interesting possibilities for the summer if we can't pull something off at the deadline.

    Great work, Patrick; keep it coming! I always look forward to your videos.

  8. Still can't see Manson wanting to come and play for his Dad as coach. While possible I just don't think it's likely (unless, of course, Dad strong arms him and uses the ULTIMATE WEAPON, a thing whispered but rarely mentioned, GUILT, frequently delivered by Mom). I'd love Husso BUT as you said, not the most likely. Two younger goalies (with Skinner and whoever) would be great. Gives us a longer runway etc. though it prevents our prospects from making the main squad barring injury so they become trade bait. We'll see. Great vid as always. Take care all.

  9. Go get Mark Pysyk, PK Subban, and Jonas Korpisalo out from under the rocks on their respective teams. All cheap (minus PK) and on expiring contracts, but Holland can spin some twine. Acquisition cost would be next to nothing. Holland has to be in KILL mode here on out, or his a$$ is grass. Win for today, not 3 years from now. Let's go Oilers!!!

  10. Nice jersey ! Manson would be a great pick up. Likely summer ufa as Anaheim is in same div and playoff race. Unless they get an unreal offer from Holland. Lately Manson has some injury concerns. To watch.

    What r your thoughts on Brett kuluk ?
    Can fill in top 4 role on left side until Keith comes back then he can move to the 3rd pair and handle 16-18 mpg . Now is playing 18 mpg. Left shot. 1.850 mil cap hit. Could be cheaper to obtain than chariot.

    What are your thoughts on Jason demers on team Canada. Looks healthy and has top 4 nhl experience that could handle 17-19 mpg on the right side . However signed with khl team so his contract would need to be terminated or bought out by his khl team before March 21. No assets to give up .

    Right side d not sure if they get a top 4 right shot d this deadline without playing a bigger price.

  11. Like I said a 3 way deal is the best way to get rid of contracts and picking up the players needed. Another deal that would be good would be koskanin Russel samarukov and turris to Buffalo and get Dreiger and Sousy back from Seattle.

  12. Interesting video Patrick. Manson addition would be nice for a rugged defenceman. Raycroft has a better handle on the younger oilers and may deploy them differently giving the team better options for trades without selling the farm. Barrie will be hard to get rid of without a sweetener . Until there is a goalie coach change I’m not sure what goalie would help as when the goalies leave they seem to have success.

  13. varlamov. give lou a first and koskinen for varlamov kenny. Isles make sense. They are going nowhere and need to sell off some assets and varly is their best chip to move. And if oil miss playoffs that pick could move up and give isles potentially two picks in the top 10 in a good first round.

  14. Varlamov from NYI is someone Oilers should perhaps look at as well. He's a better goalie than Holtby at this point. However, what would be the cost to get him is always the big question…even thought of Griess from Detroit. That tells you that I think almost anyone is an upgrade from Koskinan.

  15. What about carter Hutton? I know his numbers may not look very impressive but I think that’s mostly because of him playing in Arizona but should he be a trade target for the oilers?

  16. Hi Patrick. I have a idea what if the oilers were to trade Tyson Barrie and mikko to the blues for husso the Edmonton oilers would free up some money and get a upgrade in the goalie position. Thank you. Andy.

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