@Flames de Calgary

Quel(s) joueur(s)/moment vous a fait tomber amoureux de cette équipe ?

Quel(s) joueur(s)/moment vous a fait tomber amoureux de cette équipe ?



  1. The 04 cup run. I was 6 and just at the age I could understand what was happening. Remember driving down the red mile with my stepdad

  2. Excellent-Copy4224

    Kent Nillson, Fleury, Roberts and many more.

  3. Melodic-Bug-9022


    But Flames fans, especially of the online variety, have made me fall out of love with the team, and now I only watch them casually. Thank god they mostly ignore the Wranglers.

  4. Fresh_Salamander_393

    Fleury for me, unfortunately I now think he’s an idiot.
    But I still have the flames

  5. CaptinDerpI

    Most Flames goalies tbh

    Kipper was definitely first for me, but a random one that I really liked was Karri Ramo. Liked his playstale, and was really sad he didn’t get re-signed in the 2016 offseason

    Mikael Backlund is also up there. That Game 3 OT winner against Anaheim still lives in my head in the « Good Memories »

  6. Send_Headlight_Fluid

    Definitely Iggy. Just carried himself like a professional but also beat the fuck out of people on the ice. I wish I remembered more specifics from the cup run but I was pretty young. All I remember is the general buzz/ hype at school and around the city

  7. Straight-Plate-5256

    ’04 run and kipper, I grew up watching and loving the team as long as I can remember but I was obsessed with kipper as a kid

  8. BrokeInService

    Was an Av’s fan before they put Iginla on the cover of NHL02 and have been swimming the C of Red since

  9. PissJugRay


    My first NHL game was at the Dome against the Kings in the mid 90s. Dad (Leafs fan) wanted me to see Gretzky play. I was a Flames fan for life before the end of the game. Flames won 5-2. (That’s probably why they became my favourite team lol)

  10. JuniorBarnes

    Vernon game 7 1st round ’89 heroics. Though most saves (looking back), he was having a pose.

  11. natenicholson

    Was about 15 when I started caring about the nhl

    Right when we got Johnny…. He was always the reason I watched

  12. Then_Original_1269

    I hated the oilers so much I fell in love with this team

  13. silentgiant

    I was 11 when this team won the cup so pretty much anyone from that era, but I would say Loob or Lanny were my favourites.

  14. Slimmynorthfish

    Gaudreau/Monahan for me, didn’t really watch the flames before I was 14 as I was more interested in playing rather than watching. Actually that entire year showed me how much fun watching an exciting young team could be, and I was hooked.

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