@Wild du Minnesota

Kaprizov avec une redirection irréelle

L’attaquant sauvage Kirill Kaprizov réussit une magnifique redirection pour battre Brian Elliott et prolonger l’avance du Minnesota à 2-0 sur le Lightning


  1. Gorgeous redirect? This is like powerplay 101, tip in the high slot, happens like 2-3 times a game. Kirill's got what? 20 goals this season so far? I'm sure there have been much better off his stick, why is this one the highlight? The deception on the pass was great, but there's nothing unreal about the redirect. The clippers over at the NHL this season have been posting completely random goals and labeling them worldies.

  2. No one’s gonna talk about how he literally redirected the puck through his legs eh? Crazy stuff from this guy, he’s the real deal

  3. Those sweaters………..that goal……….that song…………..Perfection!

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