@Red Wings de Détroit

Detroit Red Wings « L’équipage » | Conversions

Le superviseur des installations de l’aréna Little Caesars, Dave Jones, discute du processus de conversion à l’aréna – du hockey au basket-ball en passant par les concerts. Présenté par Carhartt.


  1. love this video! it's magical how they do it, i am a sucker when it comes to watching these transformations. thank you crew!

  2. Dave seems like a great Supervisor! And doing it right by giving all of the credit to men and women putting in the hard work! They look happy out there making the fans dreams a reality! Good job!!

  3. I never knew the ice is always there, underneath the pistons floor. I wondered how they made the ice so perfect so quickly.

  4. I always thought they set the scoreboard too high for hockey games at LCA, however I think it is perfect height for basketball games…just a bit lower. It would be nice if they left it at the lower height for both sports.

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