@Sharks de San José

Vos requins de San Jose

Faits saillants des Sharks de San Jose des dernières saisons


  1. I'll be at the tank on Oct. 5th. Nothing like beating up on the blues to start your season out right.

  2. I wouldn't have assumed you'd know why I used this song. Listen to the words and what they're saying. Wake me up when September ends. When September ends, October starts, when October starts, so does hockey. It was the song they used for their montage at opening night after the lockout.

  3. Hey, one of the best vids i've seen.
    I suppose i can tolerate this song..there are worse

  4. I'm glad that SOMEONE has that goal where Damphousse steals it, then dekes a defender and puts it top shelf. He really was a brilliant player.

  5. im watching the plays and im like "oh my god i was there!" "and there!"
    cant wait 4 the season 2 start!!!!

  6. Its funny cuz I go through this all the time. When u get really excited that the season is gonna start soon u think the wait feels like forever but when the season starts u all of a sudden think "that wasnt so long a wait."lol Damn the Sharks are in for a great year.

  7. hahaha who else has this happen in there life
    Everyone on their street has little Picket signs in their lawns that say

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