@Sabres de Buffalo

Kulich abandonne la rondelle après une erreur de jeu malheureuse, menant au but gagnant du match pour Équipe Canada

Kulich abandonne la rondelle après une erreur de jeu malheureuse, menant au but gagnant du match pour Équipe Canada



  1. Sorry in advance for the mobile link.

    Tough to watch, Kulich had a phenomenal tournament. A small misplay and an aggressive positioning by his line mate turns into a clean 2-on-1 for Canada.

    After the goal, Kulich collapses to the ice in tears.

  2. xBialyOrzel

    I feel horrible for him. He had an amazing tournament for it to end that way. The puck just rolled off his stick and it led to a two on one the other way.

  3. LAMProductions99

    That whole ending sucked so hard 🙁

  4. Tigglee

    Seeing Kulich cry absolutely shattered me. I think he played fantastic and he should be proud of himself.

  5. Finally_Smiled

    To be fair, the way the ice was, the puck was just really unpredictable the entire time. Especially being played after the bronze game.

    It’s honestly a fluke. He really did an amazing job with he’s linemates the entire series.

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